Part 2

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Yuuri was exhausted by the time they were mounting horses next morning, the reason was not because of a sleepless night, in fact he had slept unexpectedly good, nor a hurting wrist. What had consumed all of his energi this morning was none other than a pretty blond in the form of his fiance. There hadn't been even a second when Wolfram wasn't with Yuuri since the incident and he had made sure to make his presence known to the king by constantly clinging to him. He had been there when Yuuri woke up, he was even the one who helped put on Yuuri's clothes since using one hand didn't prove to be very effective in that matter, not even for the maoh. Yuuri let him help despite feeling like a little kid while doing so, reason being mostly because wolfram's big emerald eyes were something the king found himself having a hard time saying no to as of late.

Wolfram had seated himself close to Yuuri during breakfast - not very surprising as he did that quite often - what did come as a surprise though, was when the prince had tried to feed him by extending a spoon in front of the double-blacks mouth and waited for a response with wide eyes.

He had been taken aback by the offer and needless to say declined, though a part of the king regretted that decision for some reason. Maybe because Wolfram was a close friend, so in reality it wouldn't be that weird right? NO WAIT A MINUTE?? What was he thinking? Of course it's odd if a guy feeds another guy like that...

His train of thought had been interrupted by Conrad coming to inform them to finish up, what's more that he was going to accompany Conrad on his horse today instead of riding Ao. Apparently it would be safer if the king was riding behind someone, only while his wrist was still healing.

Some complaining from Wolfram about Yuuri not riding with him were nearly bullets he couldn't avoid had it not been for Conrad, his knight in shining armour, swooping in with a "I'll just borrow our heika's attention for today considering you've been keeping him all to yourself since yesterday" which was met with a snort and nothing else.

Yuuri thought the overwhelming prince would be backing off a bit for the day based on the response he'd given but as one would expect, Wolfram did no such thing. He did however keep a distance yet stayed close enough that Yuuri could feel the glares bore holes in his neck whenever he and Conrad were talking, not to mention when they laughed.

The prolonged trip would be lasting at least one more day if the soldiers had predicted it right. Apparently it would take until nightfall before they'd reach the area, so searching for the love rose was something for the day coming. Nothing in particular disturbed them all day, in fact it was a surprisingly uneventful day and even after thinking that it still went on like smooth sailing. Though there seemed to be nothing called an uneventful day in this world as a pack of wolves had decided to pay their camp a visit that evening. This wasn't much of an issue for all the soldiers nor Conrad and Wolfram, in fact the wolves should be the ones afraid. Yuuri was sure he saw the frightened looks of one wolf when they chose to retreat.

With victory over the ferocious beasts the campfire was surrounded by song all night long, unfortunately Yuuri's tent wasn't soundproof not that he minded listening to the happiness of the people around him. Besides, there was an even more soundly noise coming from inside his tent, more specifically from the blonde prince snoozing at the other end. If he was completely honest with himself Wolfram's loud snores were kind of comforting at this point, it felt safe hearing the other boy through the night.

Daybreak soon arrived.

Since the camp was already set up within the search area for the rose, they'd decided that leaving it up for now would be the easiest choice if it came to not finding the rose today. Yuuri doubted that finding a single rose could be that difficult but many hours went by without news of the flower being found.

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