Part 3

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Yuuri was looking Conrad in the eye with a furious gaze and an undertone of jealousy, something no one had ever witnessed before and even wondered if the king had such strong feelings when his personality always opted for peace and talking situations out among the parties involved. Wolfram's reaction came after the initial shock he'd gotten as the maoh out of nowhere had claimed that the blonde was his possession while not letting their hands separate.


Yuuri turned his head slightly to give Wolfram a subtle side glance before pulling him closer to assert dominance over the rival male and show that this particular boy was his and no one else's. The king had an unfamiliar stench alluding from him when Wolfram got pulled close and it was almost overwhelming. He could smell alcohol, had Yuuri been drinking?

"Yuuri, are you drunk?" Wolfram noticed his older brother, who was under the surveillance of his fiance, reacting to his question. Guess he didn't catch on as quickly.

Yuuri's blabbering was hard to understand but both of the males standing there could to a degree make out the words being uttered. Mumbling and harsh looks were all thrown in Conrad's direction as the double-black kept telling him to stay away from both him and his fiance, though it seemed like Yuuri hadn't comprehended that it was his own godfather that he was talking to or the fact that Conrad wasn't out to get either of them. Wolfram made several attempts at calming the king, so did Conrad but his helping hand continued to be rejected.

"His Majesty must have confused the wine for water during his absence. We should hydrate him and then place him in his tent to rest" Conrad grabbed a hold of Yuuri's shoulders to make the king face him. "Yuuri, time for bed, you need to rest and sober up"

Yuuri dropped his head, he was in no mood to look the man who'd flirted with his fiance in the eye. Instead he swallowed hard and, still observing the ground he stood on, declared that Wolfram was to come with him or he wouldn't be leaving.

"I won't return to my tent unless Wolfram comes with me. I'm not leaving my fiance with someone that looks at him like a predator would a prey but with more desire"

Clearly Yuuri wasn't aware that the man Wolfram had been engaging in conversation with was the blonde's own brother but he couldn't help his countenance filling with blush as he watched the defencive king pout. Wolfram didn't mind this side of Yuuri at all, in fact, this was the kind of affection he'd wished for but he'd rather the other boy was sober while acting this way.

"Yuuri, let's go. I'll take you to your tent" He put the all-black dressed king's arm around his shoulders, practically carrying the boy all the way to the grey tents put up close by.

Yuuri's steps were all wobbly, making the trip to the king's bed a more difficult one than Wolfram had first anticipated. When he finally managed to reach the tent, the energy in him had been drained so far that he would need more than a good night's sleep to recharge.

He placed the intoxicated king on the bed, at first he was sitting up but as soon as Wolfram let him sit by himself he fell back as if his own weight had waited to follow the path of gravity, his hair spread all over the cold pillow and with closed eyes he seemed to drift off. Wolfram's mind wandered elsewhere, for Yuuri to sober up he would need to drink some water, the sooner the better. He was moving towards the water on the other side of the tent when a tug at his blue sleeve pulled him back onto the bed where Yuuri was now sitting up.

The blonde turned his head. He was met with a pair of black orbs staring at him with the hand moving from the sleeve to on top of the other boy's hand. Yuuri's mind was still blurry so his thoughts appeared in a haze but he still noticed the blush on Wolfram's face when the boy intended to hide that very fact by facing the other way. The cute expression from before Wolfram hid his face lingered deep in his heart and a desperate wish to see the other boy's face overcame him as he took action by grabbing the boy's chin to turn his gaze back on him.

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