Fuck It

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"J-Jungkook....", Taehyung whispered.

Yoongi stopped at his spot. Looked at Taehyung. Taehyung looked at Yoongi.
Taehyung really don't have to save that boy. But something in his heart told him to go back inside and save Jungkook. Something made him desperate to save Jungkook. He was afraid of losing Jungkook even though Jungkook isn't his. He cursed and ran back towards the living room to find Jungkook.

Yoongi knew what was happening. He would have followed Taehyung. But have to get out and handle this. He believed on Taehyung. He softly smirked. He loved how Taehyung knew the boy for 2 days but still got a soft spot for him. Reason he loved Taehyung. Taehyung was a innocent little boy. He loved Taehyung a lot.

He ran to exit.

Meanwhile ✨

Hoseok, Jimin and Namjoon ran to the hall. "Namjoon watch out!", Jimin said and pushed Namjoon. The bullet went past them bursting the window glass. Hoseok grabbed the man who did that shot and pushed him down. Hoseok was bestest fighter. He wasn't into guns but he can take down 5 or more mans who have guns. Damn the cute sunshine smile guy is scary when it comes to fighting. Sweat dropping from Hoseok's forehead. He was breathing heavily.
"Be careful man", Hoseok said.
"Yeh thanks", Namjoon smiled.
"It's not the time guys!", Jimin complained. They exited as well.


Taehyung ran and ran trying to find Jungkook. "Oh god no please", that was all chanting in his mind right now. Even he doesn't know what got into him. He was so scared. It's been a long time that he felt like this. The fear was intense. He slammed the doors of many rooms tryna find Jungkook. Finally walking into the study room.

The shooting was insane now. Jungkook knew this is serious. He wanted find his hyungs but couldn't find that. He walked into study room. There was a man who shot a guy. He froze in his place. The man looked at him. Jungkook didn't even get a chance to move and boom. He got punched in face. He fell on a small table falling with it. He groaned. He got punched in face but his whole head was spinning. It hurted a lot. His nose and lips started to bleed. The guy surely made a bruise on his lips. He opened his eyes slowly. Everything was blurry but he focused on the guy loading the gun. He closed his eyes immediately. Then there was a gun shot. Everything went dead silent. It was like time froze. Jungkook sobbed. Jungkook felt nothing. He was alive. He opened his eyes. Saw the man who was about to shoot him is laying on the floor. Blood everywhere in the floor. His eyes were wide open. Jungkook was terrified. He never thought he will experience this. He looked everywhere in the room and saw a long man standing across the room. He didn't expeted him to be here but wanted him to be here.
"Taehyun-", Jungkook gagged on his words. He started coughing. Taehyung was still standing there processing everything. He was on time. Jungkook is alive. He made it. He saved Jungkook. Sobbing made him come to reality. He walked to Jungkook and kneeling down in process.

He didn't want to do this but fuck it. He hugged Jungkook.
"Shshh", Taehyung tried to stop Jungkook from crying.
"I-I was really scared", Jungkook sniffled. Taehyung couldn't help but chuckle. Of course Jungkook was scared. It was obvious from how he is still crying.
"Next time scream for help please. I had a hard time finding you", Taehyung complained.
"There is a next time?!", Jungkook broke the hug. Taehyung laughed. Oh. He is not suppose to be so friendly with Jungkook. Um but some little laughs don't hurt right?
"Let's go we gotta get out of here", Taehyung stood up. Helping Jungkook to stand up.
"I miss the warmth of that hug", Jungkook whispered.
"Huh?", Taehyung questioned.
Jungkook shook his head as nothing.

Yoongi saw Jimin coming out of the mansion. Hoseok and Namjoon following after Jimin.
Yoongi's eyes met Jimin's.
Yoongi smiled. He was worried for the younger. Because Jimin wasn't that good at fighting. He wasn't bad with guns. He was great snipping. But this situation wasn't about snipping. He was great at giving lap dance tho. Don't ask how Yoongi knew that.
Truth and Dare heh. Off topic Yoongi enjoyed the lap dance.
Anyways. Soon enough they saw Taehyung and Jungkook coming out of the mansion. "Oh my", Jimin ran to Jungkook. Asking about his bruise. Jungkook said he was fine even tho he wasn't. They soon enough left the place. They started a journey from Seoul to Busan. In car Taehyung and Jungkook took few glances at each other. "Taehyung didn't save anyone else", Jimin wiggled his eyebrows at Jungkook. Jungkook cheeks were rosy pink by now. He turned to window side enjoying the view.

On the other side,

Taehyung was in deep thoughts.
He doesn't hate the brunette but he doesn't like him either. How can you like someone knowing they think you are a mental patient? Everything is just making Taehyung crazy.

Their car stopped at a cottage. It wasn't a mansion but big enough for them to live right now. Taehyung bought this a while ago because of the view. They will stay here until they do something about this sudden attack.
They already were having a big drug dealer problems and now this.


Jimin was treating Jungkook's cuts.
As expected the punch left some bruises and Jungkook didn't like it at all. Oh did I forgot to mention that Taehyung was in the room too? He leaned into the wall watching Jimin treating Jungkook's cuts. Whenever Jungkook hissed in pain Taehyung tensed up as well. In Taehyung's opinion Jungkook was looking hot.
The bruises was giving a mafia boyfriend vibe. Heh.

Something controlled Taehyung's body. He walked towards Jungkook who was sitting there silently and kneeled down. Jungkook looked at Taehyung and again looked down.
Jungkook's heart was beating really fast. His brown hair was covering his face. Taehyung grabbed Jungkook's jawline gently and made him look at himself. He brushed the hair away from the face gently with his finger.
He was treating Jungkook as if he was glass that will break. Taehyung looked at the bruises and spoke,
"It's not that bad actually, you are a drama queen"
"Shut up", Jungkook pouted.
"Sorry I was a little late", Taehyung ruffled Jungkook's hair and stood up. He was about to leave when Jungkook again spoke,
"It's okay and thanks for saving me"
"Thought you'd never say thanks Jungkook", Taehyung smirked.

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