Characters, Stats, and Definitions

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- James – Elf; Mage: Staff

- Megan – Half-Elf; Ranger: Bow + Arrows

- Riley – Dwarf; Warrior: Longsword

- Kalan – Human; Cavalier: Shortsword + Shield

- Casey – Half-Elf; Berserker: Great Axe

- Redd – Human; Rogue: Double Knives

Starting Stats:

Starting Stats:

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- Strength: self-explanatory; most important for Cavaliers, Warriors, and Berserkers; also determines how much damage Rangers can inflict

- Constitution: Base health

- Dexterity: stealth, agility; most important for Rogues and Cavaliers

- Magic: self-explanatory for Mages; bonus health for other classes

- Willpower: bravery; health bonus

- Wisdom: most important for Mages, Rogues, and Rangers; for long-term consequences

- Intelligence: most important for Rogues, Warriors, and Cavaliers; perception and short-term consequences

- Charisma: persuasion; most important for Mages, Rogues, and Berserkers

- Skill: individual startingskill with weapon(s)

Races: [most to least common]

- Human: the most common race, humans have the largest build and are the most adaptable

- Dwarf: the strongest and most intelligent race, dwarves are known for living belowground

- Half- Elf: classified (derogatorily) as "impures," half-elves are the children of humans and elves; they have a slightly smaller, leaner build and are faster than humans

- Elf: the oldest, longest-living race, elves are smaller, leaner, faster, and stronger than humans, though not as strong as dwarves; they tend to live in "pure" elven communities

Classes: [most to least common]

- Warrior: the most common class, known to use a variety of weapons but most often two-handed longswords or spears, Warriors are front-line fighters known for their strength

- Cavalier: known to use swords and shields, Cavaliers are a subset of Warriors and Rogues and are typically cavalrymen, known for their skill on horseback and their dexterity

- Ranger: a subset of Cavaliers and Rogues, Rangers are known to use bows and arrows, and are intrinsically connected to nature; they are known for their intelligence and wisdom

- Rogue: a stealthy, lithe class that fathered the name "assassin," Rogues typically use knives, and are criminals known for their lockpicking and charisma

- Berserker: arguably known as the "better" warrior class, Berserkers use massive two-handed weapons; they use auras of rage to intimidate enemies, and are known for their willpower

- Mage: the least common race, hunted and enslaved for their talents, Mages are known to use staffs imbued with magical runes and are the only innately magical class

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