cuddles and euphoria

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"dad! i'm home!" aubrey yells from the front door, walking in with trice behind her. they both kick off their shoes and are greeted by all 3 of aubrey's dogs, sniper, hendrix and romeo.

"hey kiddo, how was your day?" sean, her dad asks. "it was okay, boring." she says with a small smile on her face. trice peeks behind her and waves to her dad, he waves back at him.

"we're going upstairs, love you!" aubrey calls to her dad. her and trice both book it up the stairs trying to see who could win getting to the top of the stairs first. aubrey wins of course, she has these stairs memorized and has the perfect method to winning.

"ahhh!!" trice says as he runs into aubrey knocking them both over in the middle of aubrey's room. "can you-" aubrey starts as she busts out laughing, not being able to finish her words.

they both end up getting up after a few seconds of laughter. trice puts down his bookbag, and opens the zipper revealing 2 monster cans- one for each of them.

"ugh yes! thank you bub!" aubrey says as she hugs him quick. he smiles at her and they both sit down on aubrey's bed.

"hey bubbbbb??" trice says with a grin. aubrey already knows what he's gonna ask. "i'm putting it on." she says, meaning euphoria. it's their ultimate favorite show.

the show starts with rue talking to her mom about rehab. an exhale comes from aubrey as she starts to get comfortable. trice looks over at her and creeps his way up into her chest.

she opens her arms wide for him to lay comfortably on her chest. she wraps her arms tightly around him.

as they watch you hear small breaths coming from trice so aubrey looks down at her chest and there he is, her lover boy sleeping soundly.

"i love you" she whispers to the sleeping boy on her chest as she continues to watch euphoria.

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