The move

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Eomma:Taehyung,Jungkook, Yoongi are you boys ready we'll be late for our flight if your not ready?
Taehyung: Eomma Yoongi hyung won't wake up.
Eomma:Yoongi if you don't wake up we're not going to make our flight.
Jungkook:Ya Yoongi hyung .
Yoongi:jk shut up but I already packed yesterday.
Eomma:don't tell jk to shut up.
Yoongi: fine eomma.
Jungkook: ya hyung don't tell me t-.
Yoongi: don't even jk I'm not in the mode and tae your sitting in the middle during the car ride I can't sit next to that thing.
Jungkook: hey I'm not a thing I'm your brother *pouts*.
Yoongi: yes sadly you are my brother
Taehyung: so am I sitting in the middle?
*at the airport*
Appa: Yoongi stop listening to your music and talk to us.
Appa: Yoongi.
Yoongi:sorry appa what?
Appa: I said stop with your phone and headphones for once and talk to us.
Yoongi: do I have to tho?
Appa*death glare* yes.
Yoongi: fine whatever.
Flight attendant ari: ok flight B 893 will be boarding now.
*on the plane*
Yoongi:Taehyung give me my phone back!
Yoongi: Jungkook give my headphones back!
Tae and Jk:No!
Yoongi:Eomma,Appa tell them to give me my stuff back before I hurt them.
Eomma: boys leave your hyung alone you may be the younger triplets but you don't have to tournament your hyung.
Yoongi: thank you Eomma I thought I'd have to slap them
Tae and Jk: fine here we were just having fun
Yoongi: finally thank you next time you guys do they you won't be alive *lays down to go to sleep*
Taehyung: ugh Yoongi hyung is so annoying doesn't do anything fun
Jungkook:I know right just because he's like 10 and 7 minutes older than us doesn't mean he doesn't have to be annoying
Yoongi:did you just call me annoying yes I may be 10 and 7 minutes older than you guys but I'm still your hyung and you have to respect your elders.
Jungkook: yes we did call you annoying.
Taehyung: Jk Yoongi hyungs right he's still our hyung and we have to respect him even though he's our brother.
Yoongi: thank you tae and this is why you've always been my favorite brother.
Jungkook: rude.
Yoongi: and that's why I said it.
Taehyung: thanks for letting me be your favorite Yoongi hyung * braggs to jks face*.
Yoongi: your welcome.
Jungkook: stop being me.
Yoongi: wow you really are the youngest triplet aren't you.
Jungkook: yes only by 10 minutes for you and 4 minutes for Taehyung.
Taehyung: still the youngest.
*at their new house*
Eomma:boys get your suitcases and one of you wake up Yoongi.
Taehyung: not it.
Jungkook: ok I'll gladly do it. YOONGI HYUNG WAKE UP!
Yoongi: no let me sleep I never get to sleep.
Eomma: Yoongi come on just wake up.
Yoongi: fine Eomma.
Eomma: grab your suitcases boys.
Taehyung: ok Eomma I got mine.
Jungkook:got mine.
Yoongi:here jungkook you can carry mine.
Jungkook: umm ya no.
Appa: Yoongi your a man you can carry your own suitcase.
Yoongi: I'm only 15 I'm not a man imma teenager I don't even have my license yet.
Appa: did you just back talk.
Yoongi: isn't that how a conver-.
Appa: you want to be grounded.
Jungkook: ya he does.
Appa: Jungkook stay out of this.
Jungkook:ok appa.
Yoongi: no.
Appa: no what Yoongi.
Yoongi: I don't wanna be grounded.
Appa:ok then don't back talk.
Yoongi: yes appa.
Jungkook: come tae let's get the best rooms before Yoongi hyung.
Yoongi: you wish you could I get first pick since I'm the oldest.
Eomma: Yoongi's right that's a tradition in our family oldest picks first then middle then youngest.
Jungkook: that's no-.
Appa: Jungkook.
Jungkook:ok appa.

Sorry this is a crapy chapter they'll get better I promise. And also Eomma's name is Chaeyeong and Appa's name is Sungho. We're just going to use Eomma and Appa for their names since the others parents might not be in this book. Just remember might not be in this book. Thxs for reading and i don't expect people too get to far with this book but I hope it does.

I will also try to post some Tuesdays,some Thursdays,some Mondays, Sunday's and Saturdays. It might be hard to post a lot though cuz I have volleyball games and school programs. And btw I'm most active at night so that's when you'll see most of my chapters cuz that's when I get my ideas. Ok this A/N is getting long so I'll end it here bye guys hope you enjoy The Transfers.


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