The run aways pt1

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Tae:*drags Yoongi away from sav* like I said before you and sav are but allowed near eachother.
Yoongi:tell me why we just went on a walk.
Jk:ya a walk for 3hours.
Tae: who knows what you guys did.
Yoongi:all we did was talk and run around ok.
Tae:sav is that true?
Sav:*nodds head*
Yoongi:so why can't I be near her again.
Quin:tae just let him be we all know you'd be the same way if you were in his place.
Sofia: you to jk.
Tae:rules are rules.
Quin:so the rules are hurting your brother and making him hat you guys.
Sofia:thos sound like great rules.
Quin:imma let you guys settle whatever your doing cause we gotta get to class.
Sofia:ya sav come *puts hand out*
Sav:*takes hand*
Sofia:*puts out hand for quin*
Quin:*takes it* tae take my advice and leave your brother alone.
In the class room
Namjoon:hey quin.
Quin:again Namjoon your not my type leave me alone.
Namjoon:who said I was gunna ask you out.
Quin:your whole friend group has asked out mine since 8th grade we all know how you guys are so just go away.
Namjoon:rude much.
Hoseok:hey s-.
Hoseok:come on.
Sofia:stop trying j don't like you.
Hoseok:you sure.
Sofia:yes I'm sure.
Jimin:hey s-.
Sav:what do you want jimin.
Quin:something's wrong with you sav you'd never just say no you usually state why.
Sav:no cause I'm not allowed to date.
Sofia:what yes you are your Eomma even said.
Jimin:I'm so confused.
Sav:just leave me alone jimin.
Jimin:why can't you date.
Sav:cause of someone else that told me I can date him and I actually like him unlike you.
Sofia:wait you don't like Yoongi.
Quin:sofia shut up.
Jimin:oh so you like the new boy.
Sav:who said I did.
Jimin:so you do like the new boy that your shipped with.
Jimin:knew it I can have fun knowing this secret.
Sav:jimin don't say anything to anyone.
Jimin:can't promise that.*walks away*
Namjoon:so jimin Hoseok they both said no.
Namjoon:so did quin.
Jimin: I found out sav likes the new boy.
Hoseok:which one there's 3.
Namjoon:oh I thought they were dating.
Jimin:what no I wouldn't be go after her if she was.
Hoseok:jimin we all know you would.
Jimin:ok maybe that's true.
Namjoon:did she just straight up tell you or?
Jimin:no I think she's like depressed or something she's apparently not allowed to date cause some guy told her not to.
Hoseok:that guy was probably Yoongi.
Namjoon:still didn't answer my question.
Jimin:no she didn't Sofia basically blurted it out.
Namjoon:that's why I heard quin yelling shut up.
Tae:so your not going to hang out with her.
Yoongi:no I won't.
Jk: and like I said before Eomma texted saying your not grounded but your not allowed near her.
Yoongi:ok j get it.
Tae:ok let's get to class.
Yoongi:k one sec.
Jk:why are we waiting?
Yoongi:you guys can go j need to text someone.
Tae:and who's that.
Yoongi:an old friend from Busan high.
Tae:see you in class.
Yoongi:see you in class.
Yoongi texting sav:
Yoongi:sav meet me at
The bathrooms in

Sav:but we're not allowed to
Hang out with eachother


Sav:your Eomma said

Yoongi:idc what she said
Meet me at the bathrooms
Closest to the exit in 5


In the class
Sav: I'll be right back guys imma use the bathroom.
Sofia:are you gunna go see Yoongi?
Tae:no she's not.
Sav:no I'm not.
Jk:ok good.
Sav:quin Sofia come here.
Sav:*whispers*don't tell anyone but yes I'm going to see Yoongi.
Tae:sav your gunna see Yoongi right.
Sav:no just using the bathroom gtg.
At the bathrooms
Yoongi:sav over here.
Sav:Yoongi why did you call me here.
Yoongi:*takes hand* cause we're leaving.
Sav:what where are we going.
Yoongi:idk but I hate my family.
Sav:you can't say that.
Yoongi:no I can there forcing me to stop hanging out with you when we did nothing wrong.
Sav:so we're running away.
Yoongi:I am.
Yoongi:yep I dead serious cause when I'm not with them they can't force us to do anything.
Sav:but you have no where to stay.
Sav:you can stay with me I'm sure my mom won't mind.
Sav:ya ofc anything for you.
Yoongi:Thxs sav.*hugs*
Sav:no problem.*hugs back*
Back to quin Sofia jk and tae
Quin:I'm worried savs been gone since home room and now it's lunch.
Jk:and Yoongi never showed up to class.
Tae:I think Ik where they both are.
Quin:uh no there not.
Tae:now that you said that Ik they are why didn't you guys tell us you know there big allowed to be near eachother.
Sofia:cause we're not gunna watch our besties suffer.
Jk:I wouldn't call it suffering I'd call it savs going to be dead if Eomma finds out.
Tae:yoongis not answering his phone.
Jk: I tried texting him it didn't go through.
Quin: let me try to call sav.
Sofia:now I think we shouldn't have let her go.
Quin:sraight to voicemail.
Tae:damn it.
Quin:this is your guys fault not mine.
Tae:but you were the one who let her go.
Quin:ya cause I want her to be happy.
Sofia:I'm starting to be on taes and his side.
Sofia:bc of this them together is trouble.
Sofia:like this morning they snuck out ag 3 am and Yoongis never done that before who knows how long they could've been out there for.
Quin:you guys know none of this would be happening if tae and Jk just let them see eachother.
Quin:are rules j get it.
Sofia:so I think I'm in the boys side for this one.
Quin:the only reason why Yoongi and sav are together is because they live eachother. Sofia what happened to the girl who would only talk ab how soongi is perfect together.
Sofia:not here anymore they cause trouble.
Quin:so did you and jk last night when you were spying on them at this point j don't even I know why the both left.
Sofia:why did they leave then?
Quin:4 words because they love eachother.
Tae:can we just stop fighting.
Quin:hang on someone's calling me.
Quin in the phone
Sav:quin you called.
Quin:ya I've been so worried ab you are you with Yoongi.
Yoongi:ya I'm right here.
Quin:ok but where'd you guys go.
Sav:we left.
Sav:we left when the gates were open.
Yoongi:quin tell my brothers thanks for letting me realize how important someone is to me when I lose them.
Quin:that's such a good saying Yoongi and it's cute.
Quin:Yoongi I have a question.
Quin:do you like sav?
Yoongi:ya she's my best friend.
Quin:no I mean as a crush.
Yoongi:uhh do j have to say?
Yoongi:fine I do.
Sav:wait you do.
Yoongi:*nodds head*
Quin:do you like Yoongi as more than a friend.
Quin:ok good you guys just confessed your live for one another which proves my point the reason why Yoongi wanted to be a run away with sav is because he loves her and that's why he's mad at he's brothers and that's why you want me to tell the thanks for letting me realize how important someone is to me when I lose them.
Yoongi:and why are you this smart.
Sav:wait you told me to run away with you bc you love me and don't wanna lose me.
Quin:that sums it up well I gtg and I'll tell your brothers Yoongi love y'all bye.*hangs up*
Tae:who was that?
Quin:sav and Yoongi wanted me to tell you thanks for letting him realize how important someone is to him when he lost her.
Tae:so he is with her.
Quin:yep he's with sav.
Tae:ofc he his.
Quin:and don't even think about separating them.
Quin:thanks cutie.
Jk:I swear you live quin.
Tae:I do and I never want to lose he-.
Jk:finish what you were saying.
Tae:I feel horrible now.
Tae:cause he loves sav and never wants to lose her and we're basically tearing them apart I have to apologize.
Quin:so now you realize what you did.
Tae:yes and I'm so sorry quin.
Quin:why are you saying sorry to me say sorry to them.
Tae:ok I gtg find them.
Quin:you can't until after school.
Tae:right then I'll just have to call them.

Hehehe I told you guys I'd write more. Ik this is all happening to sav and Yoongi but I feel like it fits well with them I don't know and plus quin and tae are to cute for that ti happen ti them and Jk and Sofia are also to cute. Btw quin and Sofia are actually my real besties and I'm actually sav so that's kinda why u did sav and Yoongi this is happening to cuz I don't want it to happen to my besties. I'm just clearing that up if anyone was confused why sav and Yoongi are the ones getting hurt in the book. And I also tried to base the characters off of a rp me and my friends do so like quin and tae are clingy. Sofia and Jk are also clingy. Those are the couple you'd want to be but here's sav and Yoongi fighting over who shows the guest where their room is. So that's another reason. This also might be my last chapter for today but we'll see. Ok This a/n is hella long now so good bye loves.

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