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S3xu4l 4ss4ult and h4r4ssment ⚠️

Nothing really bad, just touching places without someone's consent and causing harm to them.


Seungmin was walking through the empty hallway, heading towards the exit of the school. School finished about half an hour ago, but he stayed back in the library to help the librarian with putting some books away.

"You are such a sweetheart, my dear." The old lady had patted his cheek as she thanked him.

He nodded and smiled at her before hiking his bag onto his back: "It's nothing, really."

They bid each other farewell for the day, Seungmin humming as he exited.
He pulled out his phone and was about to call Chan to ask if he could pick him up when his phone was wrenched out of his hand.
He turned to yell at whoever took his phone but saw nobody.
Confused, he looked around, searching for a potential culprit.

"Hello? Is anyone there?" He called out.

He felt his pockets, finding no trace of his phone. Huh. That's... Odd.

Suddenly, someone came up behind him and tapped his shoulder.
Seungmin turned again, but the person had swiftly moved around him and tied something around his eyes, blocking his vision.
His bag was ripped from his back as someone yanked him backwards.
Seungmin yelped in surprize as his back hit somebody's chest:

"H-hello?" "Shut up."

Seungmin gasped, he knew that voice...

The person grabbed his wrists and tied them behind his back, throwing an arm around his neck and pulling hard.
Seungmin gagged as the person choked him slightly.

"Don't move, don't yell, don't cry, and I'll let you go." They said.

Seungmin's brain clicked as he registered the voice as being Renjun's. He felt threatened as he struggled against Renjun.

"I said don't move!" He growled.

Seungmin stilled in fear.

He felt something wet touch his cheek, then smelt something rancid. He scrunched his nose as Renjun laughed evilly. "Did he just lick me?"

Seungmin tried to move away from Renjun again, earning himself a slap against his cheek. The boy cried out as he stumbled out of Renjun's hold.
The older grabbed him by the shoulders and yanked him backwards, he thumped against Renjun's chest.

Seungmin felt hot breath in his ear as Renjun licked his cheek again:

"You wanna play hard-to-get, little mutt? Huh? Fine. That just makes me want you more~"

The younger felt a hand travel down to his pants, moving beneath the fabric of his boxers to grasp his dick.
Seungmin tried to get out of Renjun's hold, the ladder tugged his dick harshly in response.

"Stop. Fucking. Moving." Renjun hissed.

Seungmin, however, kept struggling as he cried out in pain.
Renjun pushed him face-first into a locker, Seungmin felt his nose sting as it started bleeding.

"Please don't be broken, please don't be broken, please don't be broken, please-"

Seungmin felt something hard press against his ass, the hand moving back to his dick.
The boy could do nothing but silently cry as Renjun assaulted his dick, pulling his pants down as he fucked Seungmin's thighs from behind.
Sure, Renjun was evil, but he wouldn't actually risk himself or Seungmin getting aids.

Suddenly, Renjun started cackling.

"Look at that, slut's got hickies." He said.

Seungmin reddened as he felt Renjun poke at his thighs, only then did he remember the lovebites Hyunjin had given him, having ate him out a few days prior.
Seungmin whimpered when Renjun slapped his ass, repeating the action four more times.

"Look at you, pathetic slut. So fucking ugly."

Renjun said as he flicked Seungmin's soft dick, frowning at the lack of an erection.
He forced Seungmin out of his (Hyunjin's) hoodie, tossing it to the ground as he punched Seungmin right in the stomach.
He punched him again as he kneed Seungmin's groin, the younger whimpering as he fell to his knees.

Renjun stood in front of Seungmin, placing his erect dick right in front of his face.
The older ran his leaking tip along Seungmin's jaw before ejaculating onto his face without warning.
Seungmin desperately shook at his head in an attempt to dodge Renjun's cum.

Renjun slapped him again, fully knocking the boy over: "Tell anyone about this and you can kiss your little boyfriends goodbye."

He stomped down on Seungmin's stomach, then his cheek, then his dick as he spat on him.
He kicked Seungmin's bag across the hall, threw the younger's phone at him (hitting him in his still-bleeding nose), and left.

Seungmin's body shook as he sobbed, finally letting go.
He curled himself into a ball, his dick throbbed and his cheek, nose, ass, and stomach stung.
The boy pulled at his hand restraints, yanking and yanking until he heard a crack in his right wrist.
He hissed in pain as he stopped his movements, at least his wrist was stretched?

He rolled onto his back and reached his hands as low as he could, successfully pulling his pants back up.
Relieved that his lower half was clothed and protected from anyone else, he sighed.

Seungmin's phone started ringing, but he couldn't answer as his hands remained tied and his eyes remained covered.
He pressed his knees together, his dick still throbbing after Renjun's harsh stomp.

He coughed as his nose began bleeding again. He started panicking as he realized he was starting to choke, unable to breath properly.

He cried as he thrashed about on the floor, trying to unbind his wrists.
Seungmin's phone stopped ringing, only to begin again a few seconds afterwards.

Eventually, Seungmin had managed to push himself up to an upright seating position. He winced as his ass touched the ground.
His phone stopped and started ringing a third time as he scooted over towards the sound.

He turned himself around and grabbed his phone, beginning to poke his finger around the screen to accept the call.

After a few attempts, he succeeded:

"Hellooo? Seungmin? Are you there?"

Chan's voice sounded through the phone.

"You weren't answering your phone, so I kept calling, sorry heheh." He chuckled.

"Do you want me to pick you up?" He said.

Seungmin suddenly felt lightheaded and dizzy, the blood from his nose dripping faster as his head started throbbing.
His dick started pulsating, still pained.
He opened his mouth to utter a single word as he fell back, his head tilting to the side:



This will have 2 parts unless someone doesn't like it. If not, let me know! <3

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