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The wounds on both my face and stomach have fully healed now. My left eye is white and slightly blurry which will remain permanent, and the scar runs from just above my eyebrow to my jawline. 

The scars on my stomach aren't as noticeable, and luckily it doesn't effect me as much as the one on my face does. 

The medication Bad gave me seemed to help with my random bursts of anger and impulsive thoughts, and although Dream said that both he and the others wouldn't see me any differently, I felt as if everything changed. The whole group seemed to treat me differently as to not anger me, and it bothered me immensely. 

Today would be the day we drive back to the base or should I say our home. Dream had us all pack the night before so we would be ready to go in the early morning so we didn't have to wait. 

(Listening to Milkshake by Kelis rn)


Throwing my bag by the door, I walk over to my bed and flop down on my back, staring at the stupid pill bottle on my bedside. 

Since the day I got the medication, it seemed as if everything was just falling apart. 

I had to take the both the Sadistic personality disorder pills and some anxiety pills now everyday, Dream distanced himself from me and barely said a word to me since that day, and the group acted differently now and I knew it was all because of this. 

I wished I never took the test, at least everything would be normal, people would act normal, I would be 'normal'.

Letting my head fall to the side, the stars in the dark night sky pierce through the window. Sighing, I stand and walk to my door and open it before walking out and silently make my way down the hall to the stairs. 

I quickly make my way down them, going two at a time. I glance to the living room were Sapnap, Karl, and Quackity laid cuddled up watching a movie.

I slip past their view and leave through the back door, heading down to the lake. 

Knowing this will be the last time I see this place for a while a sigh leaves my lips as I reach the water. 

I walk over to the bench I always seem to find myself at and look at it before shaking my head and sitting down near the edge of the water. 

I roll up my pants and take off my socks, dipping my feet in the water while I lay back to look up at the stars and moon.

I know Dream was probably busy being a mafia leader, and the fact we hadn't even put a label on whatever we were, but I just wished he would have given me an explanation before he just ignored me immediately after that day.

Maybe he had second thoughts? It was pretty quick for it only being two months of knowing one another. 

I knew I liked him, especially after how he cared for me and comforted me when I needed it, and when he revealed his face from behind his mask, I swear I would have died on the spot from the sight of him, he was one of the most attractive men I had ever seen in my life. It felt like a literal honor to know him and know that he touched me in such a caring way.

Opening my eyes, a jolt of surprise radiates through my body at the sight of Dream staring down at me. 

"Yes?" I question as I sit up, still keeping my gaze on him as he does the same to me. 

"I uh, I wanted to talk to you." He say as his gaze falters and he looks out to the lake. 

A feeling of nervousness rushes over me as I nod, standing up. 

He walks over to the bench and I follow after grabbing my socks from the dewy grass. 

I sit beside him as he fiddles with his hands, knowing it was a bad habit of his with his adhd, I reach forward and pull his one hand away. 

"Thanks." he speaks quietly.

I nod again as I roll my pants back down. 

"I'm sorry." He blurts out. 

My eyebrow raises, "For?" I question. 

"For ignoring you, I distanced myself because I didn't know if you wanted space, and I knew I should have talked to you before I even thought of doing it, and the day I wanted to talk to you a whole bunch of shit came up and I just- I'm sorry, I'm so sorry." He rambles. 

"I'll admit, it did hurt because I didn't know if I did something wrong, but know that you explain it I understand, but all I ask is that you NEVER do it again." I state shortly. 

He nods, "I won't I promise, I'm not used to- I guess feelings, I don't know how to work around them or with them, especially not since Drista-" He starts, then abruptly stops. 

I don't question further knowing it was probably a sensitive topic. 

"Next time you feel that way, just find me and we can talk. I don't want you to have to hold everything in, I want you to feel comfortable. Especially with your feelings, our feelings." I say with a gentle smile. 

"Okay, I can do that. I- we can." He says looking over at me.

I nod with a smile. 

His gaze lingers on me before it flicks down to my lips as he grazes his with his tongue. 

I smirk slightly before leaning forward and capturing his lips with mine, he let's out a surprised breath before kissing me back. 

One of his hands slither around the back of my neck pulling me forward as his other grasps my thigh as he squeezes it.

I gasp against his lips, my hands finding his neck and face as he makes me lean back with his grasp. 

His hold on my neck harshens as he leans forward now, making me lay onto my back.

His lips detach from mine, as he looks down at me lustfully, saliva glistening on his swollen lips. 

"I suppose we shouldn't move to fast now, huh Georgie." He whispers as I look up at him with lidded eyes. 

"I suppose not." I speak softly, my gaze drifting back to his lips. 

He smirks before kissing me softly, letting it linger for a few seconds before he pulls away letting his lips stay close to mine as he studies me. 

My eyebrows furrow slightly in disappointment. 

"Another time love, I promise." he says as he kisses my nose before sitting up with my hand in his as he pulls me up gently.

I nod, standing with him. 

We make our way back up the path to the house, walking inside. Dream leads us both upstairs to his room opening the door. 

He walks to his closet and grabs something before tossing it to me, I grab the soft fabric before it hits the ground. 

Dream's sweatshirt lay in my hands, a small smile now on my face. 

"You can change in here, I'll change in the bathroom." He says as he walks over to another door.

I nod, waiting for the door to close before tugging off my shirt. 

I throw on the sweatshirt, a pleasant smell making it's way to my senses. I leave on my sweatpants as I walk over to his bed before flopping down right when the door opens. 

A small chuckle leaves his lips as his footsteps draw closer before the bed dips beside me. 

His arms wrap around my waist before he pulls me over to lean against his body. 

I lift my head to look up at him before flipping over to rest my head on his chest. 

He immediately wraps his arms around me, planting a kiss on my forehead.

I smile as I kiss his jaw softly before resting my head on his chest again feeling the exhaustion of the day catch up with me. 

Dreams arm shifts slightly before his hand runs though my hair. An instant calm goes through my body as my mind begins to blank.

I slowly let myself fall asleep in his arms, basking in the comfort. 

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