Chapter 2

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"So, how's your love life going ?" Sophie asked. As we were walking on one of the tracks on our horses "Sophie, we both know I don't like anyone, anyway my mum said she was thinking of buying another horse" I told Sophie "another one !? Don't you have like eight ?!" She exclaimed "no not eight, we have nine" I giggled "haha, so who's the horse for this time ?" she asked "um, well I don't actually know" I answered "well that's helpful" she said sarcastically. "Ok, then what breed is she going to get ?" Sophie asked again hoping for an answer "um, I think she's thinking of getting a welsh or a thoroughbred again" I answered back "again ! can't she chose something different, she's always forever getting the same kind of breed, why ?" She exclaimed "haha, I don't know" I answered. Sophie is my best friend but more like my sister, she knows everything about me and my family and so do I about her. By then we were cantering on a grass meadow, then suddenly we both saw a blue roan horse. "Who's is that ?" Sophie asked "I don't know, but let's go and find out !" I said excitedly. When suddenly the horse reared and galloped off. "I think it's a brumby" I exclaimed. "It sure looks like it" Sophie said. "Well we better get going, we've got a lesson" I said. "We have a lesson ?" Sophie asked. "Oh yeah, I forgot to tell you !" I said. And we cantered off.

When we got back, we met the others in the arena. "Where were you two ?" Ella asked "we were on a trail ride, oh guess what we saw" I exclaimed "we saw a brumby !" Chirped Sophie. "OMG ! Where ?" Kiahni asked. "On the grass meadow" Sophie said. "We have to go on a trail ride together this afternoon and check it out !" Jacinta said excitedly. "Yeah, trail ride together after our lesson" Kim yelled. While Anita walked in the arena.
"Ok girls, we are going to focus on your jumping today !" Anita said. "You going to jump from 80cm to a meter" she exclaimed. "Sophie you go first". Sophie cleared the 80cm jumps and then it was Ella's turn. She cleared the jumps too. When I was jumping, Kooga refused to jump. "What's wrong ?" Anita asked "I don't know, he's refusing to jump !" I exclaimed "let me have a try on him, so I slipped off and Anita hoped on. Kooga was refusing to jump with Anita too, and Anita is a professional. Anita jumps in the Olympics on her horse Caesar. "Ok sky, go get Caesar and tack him up, you can ride him today !" She said. "Um... Ok !" Caesar is a beautiful grey gelding and very strong, he is a fantastic jumper. I finished tacking up and went into the arena, everybody has serious faces. "What's wrong ?" I asked "sky, I was checking kooga's body for any signs of anything, I'm so sorry" Anita said. "What ? What's wrong ! Guys please tell me !" I said anxiously. "Kooga has a torn muscle, he won't be able to jump for at least seven months" she said "seven months !" I Exclaimed "but we have a Comp in 4 months time and I don't have any more horses here !" I said. "Wait, sky what about the horse your mums going to agist here ! Could you ride her ?" Sophie asked "that is a possibility" Anita said "what do you say sky ?" She asked "yeah, ok I'll give it a try" I said.

We did some more jumping and then the lesson was finished. We soon left for our trail ride, I was riding Sophie's other horse Gidget. We all had ball but didn't see any blue roan Brumby.

The next morning I got up out of bed and got a ride from my mum in her car to the agistment. When I got there I saw the same blue roan horse walking out of a float. "What's he doing here ?" I asked Sophie "it not a he it's a she and she's not a brumby, she escaped out of someone's property" she said "ahh there's the beautiful mare" sky's mum said. "How do you Like her honey ?" Mum asked looking toward me "wait, what !" I yelled "she's yours, I thought you might like her" Mum said. "Mum I love her ! But how, when, why" I stuttered. "Well I saw a for sale sign on her owners property and just couldn't resist and I got her for you !" She exclaimed "Thankyou mum, She's beautiful !" I said while I was stroking her "she is a beauty, and the best part is that she was an Olympic jumper until the owner broke his back and could never ride again, he said he didn't want her wasting away" mum said. "Omg really ?" I asked "yep, and all her tack came with her so we don't have to buy any" mum said "can I ride her now ?" I asked excitedly "of course, she's your horse" mum exclaimed "ok, Thankyou so much mum" I squealed while hugging her. The others followed me while I was leading her. "Wow, so she didn't get the usual breed or colour" Sophie giggled "you are so lucky !" Kim said could we please have a go at riding her too. "Yes, of course" I exclaimed. "Now help me tack up and you guys can jump her too" I said "ok !" They all said excitedly. I jumped her first and she was amazing ! She really was a star jumper. Then I gave the reins to Jacinta. She loved it too. And soon after we all had ridden her and it was time to untack her and give her a rest, "are you going to ride her at the comp ?" Kiahni asked "well I don't have any other horse" I said while giggling "ok cool, well we were thinking of training for the Comp tomorrow, wanna come ?" Kiahni asked "yeah, of course" I exclaimed.

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⏰ Last updated: May 30, 2015 ⏰

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