Part 14

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When I wake up next it's dark outside and Theodore is nowhere to be seen, my eyes still somehow feel extremely heavy but my limbs despite the pain feel restless, I needed to desperately stretch them. I could see Lottie in the bassinet beside me, all tucked up in a nest of blankets known to help soothe even the smallest of babies as it replicated the womb. I took a minute to finally appreciate every detail and curve of my daughters face, I had truly created the most beautiful thing in the world and nobody would ever convince me otherwise.

Theodore had to fall in love with her, maybe there would always be a slight barrier and I know that is because she isn't biologically his and his wolf will always have slight reservations as raising a pup that isn't his but surely, he couldn't take it out on this innocent being. It was different before, it's easier to be mad a pump that a living, breathing child right in front of you... right?

I swing my legs out of the bed, wincing as I did so but focusing on not making any noise as to not wake up Lottie who appears so at peace. My legs groan at me, I had always been the type to keep moving when I could, 'ants in your pants?' was a phrase commonly said to me as a child, I was out playing, getting dirty and up to mischief.

Look how that played out as a teenager.

I reassessed the situation with Theodore, I couldn't pretend that the last few weeks hadn't happened, I was still hurt and confused by it all but I knew that I had to give him a chance, I already had but I was sure this would be different now. I knew I had messed up and I found it almost unbearable to think about how I would feel if he got another girl pregnant now, I could feel my wolf Celine growling deep in my chest at the thought.

It gave me some perspective.

i was in such inner turmoil when I thought about what I would do if this didn't work out, I was completely conflicted. The mate in me wanted to feel as though nothing but Theodore mattered that he was our true soul mate and who we were supposed to spend the rest of our lives with and this is what I wanted too but I was also a mother and a mother always puts her child first even if that means sacrificing some of her own happiness.

The idea of rejecting or being rejected made my heart ache but it had happened for years and year around the world and people survived, I thankfully had never met one of these people but I was told they were never the same again, completely broken and a piece of spirit had been taken from them and given back to the Moon Goddess.

My body shuddered at the thought.

It spurred me on to stand up from the bed, I stayed stood on the spot for a couple of seconds allowing my spinning head to adjust to the change in height. I wasn't sure how long it had been but I was certainly feeling woozy, I guess that's what happens when your body goes through major surgery.

Who would've though? 

Doing one last double take over my shoulder to ensure Lottie was settled and asleep, I opened my private room door to see nobody was guarding outside. I walked to the nurses station, there were 2 nurses, one looked up and instantly gave me a look of dispair and... disgust? While the other smiled at me broadly, she gave off good vibes and I decided to give my attention to her.

"I'm just going to take a walk. I won't be long. Lottie is asleep" I explained trying to muster up a smile half as big as hers 

"No problem, I'll keep an ear out for the little mite" she replies 

I hobble out of the hospital ward and find myself heading towards the exit signs, I hadn't been out just to explore in so long, since that day I was taken, the other times were just escape plans.

As I left through the main door, I couldn't help but sniff up the fresh air, it was the middle of the night and it had recently rained, drops of water clung to leaves and grass. I walked towards to grass, I initially felt a shiver of cold but my toes curled into the grass making me sigh in relief. I was clearly very naive of the effect of having a baby, I didn't expect things to return immediately but the energy it had taken just to get here had surprised me.

"Should you be here?" a scratchy, high pitched voice yelled at me making me jump

I slowly turned round and found a very slim, very blonde, very tanned girl standing staring at me with a similar look of disgust that the nurse had yet this girl also had a look of hatred on her face, I didn't recall ever meeting her so why she had such a disliking to me was a mystery.

"I haven't been told otherwise" I say trying to sound as confident as I could even though I didn't feel it 

"You're going to shame Theodore, what an embarrassment" she scoffs laughing at me, I start to step forward but remember my weakened state, I wouldn't stand a chance against her but I can't help the growl that emanates from me.

"He's by the conservatory, he was just asking me how he could get rid of you because he can't cope with having a mate that is a slut. We were going to mate you know, we had a really close relationship" she grins confidently looking me up and down

My chest burnt with anger, I wanted to pull out every strand of her fake hair until she begged me to stop, I wasn't sure I'd ever felt an anger like this before - is this what Theodore felt? 

It couldn't be because I never rubbed it in his face, I was never going to mate with Nathaniel. 

"Fuck off" I spit before Celine sarcastically asks me 'Is that really the best you got?'

The girl walks away from me laughing, I look around the large building around me taking in it's beauty, that was another thing I hadn't registered. I had been brought here while unconscious and then the times I was brought back I was either too upset or you know... in labour to appreciate the building in front of me. It truly was beautiful.

It didn't take long for me to stop a conservatory looking area, although with the size of this place, there could be multiple. I start to slowly make my way there unsure if I was even going to find anything, it wouldn't surprise me if I found myself in a trap

We all know how that worked last time.

Yet as I got close I could make out two deep voice, Theodore was one but I was unsure of the other. It was probably wrong of me to listen in but I couldn't help it.

"I really don't know if I can do this"  

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