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No strings attached...

That's what we agreed but it never quite works out like that does it? We had agreed on 'No strings attached' because we knew that one day we would find mates so we couldn't do the whole couple, falling in love, getting married thing but yet here we was with the biggest string to attach us together ... forever

A baby.


At 17 I expected to be completely care free, I am popular, I have really good grades and a pretty supportive family, but I was a liar and now these lies were catching up with me and I didn't know what to do. My mother got pregnant when she was 16, one year younger than I currently am (Yay me for waiting that extra 365 days before making the same mistake). Although nobody was impressed with either party they thought it could be smoothed over and forgotten about if my mother had an abortion - werewolves celebrated children and only in extremely rare cases were they gotten rid off.

Luckily, my mother decided that she could raise me but as a consequence the pack kicked her out and that is why she found my dad. Well I say dad, of course I mean stepdad but I've never known any different, she never hid the truth from me because she wanted me to make sure I didn't make the same mistakes but she also encouraged me to call him dad. We were accepted into dads pack who never asked any questions and well this pack is all I've ever known, I have never met my biological father or any of my biological grandparents but if they wanted to see me then they would've looked for me.

It started about 6 months ago, I am a strong believer in girls and boys being best friends without it turning into a relationship or one of them being gay. That is the stereotype and I was determined to show that this was total nonsense and I guess I did... Nathaniel and I weren't in a relationship just sleeping with each other every now and again. Our mothers were close friends so we were naturally pushed together to be friends and we had been but then one night at a party something changed, we kissed - frankly it was due to the influence of alcohol but neither of us complained the next day when we kissed again and well, it went from there. We both made it clear from the beginning it couldn't go any further, especially for Nathaniel who would be Alpha of the pack one day so he needed a mate to be as successful as possible as mates make us the strongest we can be.

My mum never suspected that anything was going on, if she saw me with any other boys my age she would lecture me about the dangers of getting too close

"You'll end up pregnant if you're not careful"

She would drone on and on, it was exasperating and so in the end I completely shut myself off from her, now I'm not saying that the reason I got pregnant was my mums fault but she certainly didn't help matters as I wanted to be a rebellious teenager and the thing she most strongly nagged me about was having sex so even though she didn't know I was doing it... I felt good knowing I was going against her.

I told Nathaniel the day I had it confirmed but a doctor - luckily I was able to sneak away from the pack to see a normal, human doctor because I couldn't trust any of the pack doctors to keep their mouths shut. Some people find it difficult to tell the father of their child that they are pregnant when it is an unwanted baby but there was no way in hell that I was going to suffer on my own.


"You're going to have to get rid" Nathaniel says pacing back and forth for the fifteenth hundredth time, it was starting to make my head spun but I kept my mouth shut, I knew him better than he knew himself and if I was to try and make small talk to make everything seem better than it was then I knew he would get pissed.

"I don't think I can get rid of him" I sigh pressing my hand to my non-existent stomach, I feel his eyes trailing down my body before he nervously looks away again, he starts to walk forward before leaning down so we are on the same level

"And you're sure it's mine?" he asks with a patronising smile

My slap missed him by millimetres

"Okay, I'm sorry!" he exclaims holding his hands up in defence

"Prick" I mutter under my breath knowing fine well that he could hear me

"So what do we do? You're my best friend before anything else Callie and you know my father will have to kick you out of the pack if you keep it - I don't want that" Nathaniel says in a pleading tone, I know there is sincerity in his words about him not wanting to loose me but the real reasoning behind him pressing for me to get an abortion was so he didn't have to feel guilt and it could all be kept a secret from the majority of the pack

"I leave, you forget about me and I raise this baby on my own" I mutter before standing up to walk away from him, we had decided to meet in an old park we used to go to as kids, if we weren't in such a mess I would've loved my surroundings - Autumn was my favourite season

"I'll never be able to forget you Cass, you know that" Nathaniel sighs pulling me into his arms, he runs his nose down the bridge of mine before taking my face into his hands to kiss me, it felt like goodbye for both of us and before I knew it my tears were streaming down my cheeks and I felt his fall onto my cheeks. Before I was ready for it to be over, it was

"I love you Nathan" I sigh hugging myself into his chest

"I love you too" he says back wrapping himself around me for our final hug

We didn't mean I love you romantically, there was never any feelings like that. I used to imagine our life together when I was 10, I imagined spending the rest of my life with him but I was confused that you could love someone in more than one way and I loved Nathaniel like a brother which sounds creepy considering the friends with benefits situation...

 I used to imagine our life together when I was 10, I imagined spending the rest of my life with him but I was confused that you could love someone in more than one way and I loved Nathaniel like a brother which sounds creepy considering the frien...

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As hard as it was, things were only going to get harder because telling Nathaniel was the easy part - next came my mother.

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