Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow

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I slept 17 hours like a hibernating bear,
flitting in and out of dreams that I do not
remember now, dreams that made me feel
like a child again. Children are so dainty
and afraid and full of emotions
too big for their bodies. Children sleep so much.
They need time for their bones to stretch
and grow inside themselves. Children are so
fearful and always expanding.


I took a walk after work in the 39 degree chill,
music blaring in my ears too loud for the little hairs in my cochlea to handle. I thought about
what it would be like to be attacked again,
to be thrown on the ground and violated.
I felt the thoughts on my body and in
the reaches of my soul. I felt the thoughts
in the tips of my toes. My body shivered
and shook like a chrysalis about to open.
Children are so shaky, like leaves,
like fawns fresh on their feet
about to be bitten in two.


I imagine I will wake up and go to work,
alive and breathing and walking
like I always do. I imagine I will still be
a grown up just like I was today and yesterday,
and I know I will still feel like a frightened child.
I will feel broken, violated, unable
to protect myself. I will feel like a chrysalis
and a fawn and a leaf. I will feel like a child,
alive, and still growing, growing,
and growing.

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