~Prologue- The low and high points ~

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"Get out of my house now!" your mother screamed at you while throwing your stuff through the doorway,

You were too stunned to speak, your parents had supported your plays and acting, but when they realized you probably wouldn't make it into the big leagues and make no money. They kicked you out cause you were no use to them.

All of your stuff was scattered across the floor as you were panicking to pick them all up

"You are useless!" your father said, "you keep trying to achieve your 'childhood' dream when it isn't getting you anywhere in life!"

"Your siblings are making money being a criminal defense lawyer and a brain surgeon, and you are nothing!"

Those words hit your heart like a sword. You've always been a comparison to your siblings who got the highest grades in their classes and got good-paying jobs in the future while you wanted something you couldn't have.

"Why couldn't you want to be something useful?" your mother said "You could of maybe I don't know CHANGED THE WORLD MAYBE?"

"But no, you wanted to be an ACTOR who doesn't do anything to help others or make things for themselves!"

"All they do is act on screen!" "It takes no effort whatsoever!" your father agreeing with your mom

"I don't want you in my sight again! Do you hear me? OUT!" your mother screamed as you shoved everything in one of your bags that they had thrown at you and ran.

You ran to the only place you could, your ship that your siblings had given to you as a gift cause they felt 'sorry' for you for not making it anywhere.

You shoved your stuff into a corner when you got there and started to cry

You wondered why they would do this.

You bawled your eyes out until you couldn't anymore and fell asleep on the floor.

Everything happened so fast you couldn't believe it was true, your parents had kicked you out cause you were a disappointment

a failure

a mistake

The next day your eyes were swollen as if something had stung them, but you knew to survive in this world you needed money to pay for daily necessities. So you looked for job offerings online and found a coffee shop not too far away from where you parked your ship. You signed up for an interview and are supposed to arrive there a bit before noon.

But before you went to the coffee shop you went to the place you were banned from being there anymore.

Your home.

You needed the rest of your stuff so you climbed some vines on the edge of the building and managed to get to your room by an open window.

Everything you could grab you did and shoved it into all the bags you could carry and threw them out the window so you could bring them back to your ship. Your parents probably wouldn't touch it or sell your stuff, so you just grabbed it before they did. From your room, you grabbed 0some bed sheets, a singular pillow, money savings, Books, a laptop, laptop supplies (like charger, mouse, and headphones) a journal, art supplies, clothes, and some jewelry you could sell. The total amount of money you have on you (plus selling the jewelry) is about $2,345 with that you can last a couple of weeks but you need to spend your money wisely.

You put your bags near the ship door and went to the coffee shop.

-Time skip to the coffee shop-

"Oh hello," One of the workers said to you

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⏰ Last updated: May 03, 2022 ⏰

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