The Message

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What Ghosty Wrote

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What Ghosty Wrote...

What Ghosty Wrote

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Dear Rae...

I know you'd rather use this page for something else, whatever you may be researching at this time but it felt only fair that I gave an explanation as to why I made this for you so here it goes:

You're so important to me.

Like, so important to the point nothing else matters. I love going on adventures with you and staying up late into the night just listening to you ramble about your theories and understandings. You're so special to me and I will always care about you for as long as I live whether the Gods see fit or not. You have such a kind soul and I admire that about you. You want what is best for your friends- only thing is, you need what's best for you.

So, please accept this token of my appreciation. Use it how you wish whether that be for research, sketches or diary- your having of this book is all I need.

I love you more than words can describe.

With love,

Dear Rae... // Uncle DuoWhere stories live. Discover now