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Nothing pisses me off more than people who shove religion down my throat just because I happen to be a lesbian, I'm an atheist to, and for some fucking reason they feel the need to preach about how I'm going to hell. I doubt that I'm going to hell for something as stupid as kissing another girl. "Oh no! She has homosexuality! We're all going to die from her sins!", I will hop my ass onto my rainbow hella gay steam roller and crush the hell out of every gay basher I see. Seriously there is absolutely nothing wrong with being LGBTQ, there's a damn gay couple in the bible for crying out loud!. Don't believe me? Look it up. My religion is Wiccan but I know for a fact that the bible says nothing about homosexuality being wrong, it also says that eating ham and any sea creature besides fish is a sin. So, mull over that one instead because ham and shrimp tastes hella good :3

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