The Kamski Test

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     Connor couldn't shoot Chloe, he just couldn't, "Dammit," he muttered under his breath as he gave the gun back to Elijah.
     "Interesting, I can't say I'm surprised though, I knew you wouldn't do it," Kamski said as he turned back towards Hank.
     Hank scoffed, "Whatever," he's known Elijah since he was a little kid, he was always a trickster.
     "Anything else I could help you with?  Any simpler questions, about androids or my thoughts on this all or how I'm doing," Kamski kept going, not quite ready for his guests to leave yet.
     "What's with the the fucking," Hank tries for the right words, "Retraction of the skin thingy on the androids?  I always wondered that."
     "Oh, it can mean an array of things, its a way to see each other's memories, probe them, or do a check up," Elijah says calmly.
"What about when an android retracts their skin for a human?" Hank asks.
"Well, it means affection, the android in question would be romantically attracted towards the human, if only I could show you," Kamski says as he looks around then down at his hands.
"Yeah what a shame, alright Connor, we'll be in our way," Hank says.
"Hey Hank, wait a minute," Elijah says with a smirk as he hold out his hand to Connor, waiting for the android to respond.
     "Oh..." Connor says after getting the hint and reluctantly puts his hand in Elijahs. 
     The taller man begins to smirk as Connor's artificially skin retract from his hand.
     "An android doesn't have to be deviant in order to have feelings for someone, an android deviates when forced or while in panic," Elijah said while still smirking.
Hank was in aw, not knowing how to react to that information.
The man sighed, "What a waste. Making you a detective," Elijah says, cupping the androids face, "You were supposed to be doing so much more than what you are now."
"What was he supposed to be?" Hank asked, soon making a face that said he regretted asking.
Elijah fought for the right words, "Like a, a fucking, oh," he said as he found the words he was looking for,"Like an android prostitute!"
Connor looked like he was about to barf, he didn't know what to say, but then he bet Elijahs eyes and knew this wasn't over, no matter what Hank protested.
"Such a waste of potential, I was going to have so much with you Connor, I designed you with smooth skin, slight curves, flexibility.." Elijah looked like he was about to cry, just almost, "All for them to change your profession." Kamski took his hand away from Connor, realizing that it was last at his waist, mindlessly caressing the curves of his body.
"Alright Connor, let's go, we're done here, he's not going to give us the information we need anyways," Hank stated as he began to walk towards the door.
Elijah gave Connor a little smile,"Visit me soon Connor, and I'll tell you more about what you were meant to me."
Connor gave a little nod and walked away after Hank, not knowing what he should do. His program says he should ignore Elijah's request, and continue tracking Markus down, but his curiosity was growing, was what Elijah said right, did Connor have a romantic attraction towards him, or was he messing with him.
Connor caught up with Hank and prepared to be bombarded with questions about his feelings and if he was deviant or not.
"What was that?" Hank asked leaning against his car, looking at Connor,"And don't play dumb, I'm asking about the skin retraction thing that happened in there."
     Connor looked down at his hand,"Oh, um...I don't quite know myself..."
     Hank knew that wasn't all, it couldn't be,"Mo, there's more ISNT there," hank stood up straight and walked towards him a little.
     "Are you deviant Connor?"
     "I think you are Con, I think you're a deviant and I think you have feelings for Elijah."
     "I'm not a deviant Lieutenant!"
     "You heard what he said," Hank seemed aggressive, he was wonderful at interrogator, he could break just about anyone.
     "He said that androids don't need to be deviant to have feelings, that they become deviant when they're lives are at stake.  What I asked is do you or do you not have a sexual or romantic attraction to Elijah dammit!"
"I don't know alright!" Connor yelled, he was clearly and visibly upset,"Maybe?...I don't know and I can't think straight."
"Dammit Connor, don't tell me you actually like Elijah, tell me it's like a master/pet thing and not that you actually like him."
"I don't know what it is Lieutenant, I need to think about it, can we just go now," Connor asked.
Hank sighed,"Alright Con."

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