just a little explaination

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In the past,the world lived in complete harmony,monsters and humans together,in unity

But all changed when the humans decided to change it,they couldn't stand that these creatures stays with them,in their territory.

They declared war,and the monsters were forced to hide in a hole placed in a mountain,they didnt want to see blood anymore,if they had to declare defead to stop bodies to fall,than so be it

Humans forgot them with time,some calles them legends and mystic stories that shouldn't be even listened,others calles them scumn refusing to even say their names,others still did satanic rituals to make sure their spirits and souls weee cleared from anything these things as they called them,left in them

Now with the AU

Frisk,Had finally finished her mission,free the monters!

Now,huamans were greeted with a sight,thats for sure,with lots of yelling,screaming,and fire explosions

They had finally united

Asriel,is no longer a flower

Dr.gaster was rescued from the void,now introduced as the father of sans and papyrus

He decided to make new memories with his now,complete family

Asriel and frisk are both 14

Sans is 15

Dr.gatser,King asgord and queen toriel has met betty,they told them a bit of her,only that she is a mortal danger

Frsik and sans told eveyone about chara,who has disspeared after that the monsters were fred

Everyone dislike-,hate- chara,asriel has feeling for frisk and thinks that chara has caused her great pain

It doenst take a genius to know what he feels

Sans and frisk alse met betty,a fight happened,and it was a pretty bad one

As for the feelings toward chara from frisk and sans

Well,you'll read the story right?then no need to say anything

Now schedule!

Every night,or day i'll try to post many chapters as possible and pretty long ones of course

If i dont it means i couldnt,but i'll always try to make it to all of you by writting more

Even though i don't think it will get that much of views.

Ooh,i forgot about the warnings!
Torture(not in the lotteral way,but it still mentions a few things)
Spelling mistakes
Death scenes
Fights,brutal ones
Of course.i'll alaways mention it when one of the things i mentioned will be in a chapter,so dont worry about it
The most usual one would be teh cussing others propably,but stil i'll warn in the beggining
I'll add or change the warning if needed to!

And this is a chans story,i wont change it,i might include other ships
Anyways good bye!and take care♡

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