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Few months later:

Third person POV

Yoongi and Hoseok were playing Mario cart in the living room. "Hoba, can we cook something..? I'm dangerously hungry!!" Yoongi exclaimed as he lost again. "Oh yes I'm hungry too.. Let's go cook something" Yoongi nodded and both headed to kitchen to cook something. Five minutes passed and Hoseok was confused about what to make. Yoongi glanced at him and came to ask what happened.

"What's the matter hoba..?" Hoseok just sighed. "I don't know what to make kitty. Just look at the refrigerator, it's totally empty" he face palmed and Yoongi patted his head. "Don't worry I'll go get someth-"

"Ahhh don't- haha- ah do- haha" Yoongi and Hoseok turned back to see Jungkook and Taehyung back from work. Jungkook was tickling Taehyung who was trying to run away from the other. "Kook if you don't stop I will sleep with hobi hyung" Jungkook frowned at the thing and Yoongi who was watching them frowned too.

"NO!!" both Jungkook and Yoongi shouted in unison. Meanwhile Taehyung and Hoseok started laughing. "Oh I was just kidding" Taehyung ran over to the counter and placed the stuff they bought, and ran away from the Jungkook who was chasing him. After they both got away, Hoseok patted Yoongi's head.

"Don't worry kitty I'll not allow anyone except you to sleep with me. Now help me with cooking" Yoongi nodded and both started cooking.


Taehyung was in the bathroom freshning and Jungkook was sorting out some documents for the metting next day. Jungkook was usually energetic but today he was a bit tired so he kept the work aside and fell on the bed. After five to ten minutes, Jungkook heard the door knob open. He turned his head around and saw Taehyung.

"Hey muffin, come sit here" Jungkook motioned Taehyung to sit and he too sat up. "Kook-ah..." Taehyung was fiddling with his fingers and looking down which made Jungkook worry. "What's wrong TaeTae..?" Taehyung looked up and his eyes met with Jungkook's. "My college studies are overloading so I can't... I can't come from tomorrow" Jungkook felt bad but thinking that his Tae would be with him, he just smiled.

"Oh don't worry, I will get a new PA and when your college is over you can come again" Taehyung softly smiled and nodded. "Bub where's Jimin by the way?? Now Yoongi hyung is on a leave too so he should be there but I haven't seen him in maybe one or two months"

Taehyung was spilling questions on question and Jungkook too kind of thinking same as Taehyung. "I too don't know baby. He's being absent for many days. I'm... worried about him" Jungkook sighed and Taehyung knew what was going on in his mind.

"Don't worry even if he's not fine, we're here for him" Jungkook nodded and both fell on the bed tickling each other.

"Tae, kookie, come down. Lunch is ready" both boys came running down and took their seats. Jungkook was stuffing spoon after spoon in taehyung's mouth and so do Taehyung. Both were in their own world. Hoseok glanced at them and smiled. Yoongi noticed it and he kinda felt like 'not a good boyfriend' so he too took a spoonful of food and took near hoseok's mouth.

The other was suprised and was staring at Yoongi confusingly. "Oh hoba, say ahh" he said acting out doing 'ahh' with wide eyes. Hoseok took the bite and and giggled. "Oh kitty you're so cute like this" Hoseok pinched the other's cheeks and they too went in their own world.

After lunch, Yoongi went to play his Mario cart alone as he always lost in it, Hoseok was cleaning the dishes and Jungkook and Taehyung were outside in the garden playing badminton.

"KOOKIE!! Why you keep missing the shuttle" Frustrated Taehyung shouted at his hyung who missed the shuttle for twentieth time. "Sorry muffin but see how much wind is there... I can't hit it properly" Taehyung threw the shuttle again in the air towards Jungkook who could hit it properly now because the wind had stopped. The rally was going smooth until Taehyung saw something, more like someone moving near the gate. The immediate pause confused Jungkook. "What happened TaeTae..? Why did you stop??"

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