Incoming Storm

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Rimuru, guy and leon is currently rushing toward luminous and ramiris after receiving a report from dino

"I don't know what happen, but according to dino words. Luminous seemed to be messing with celestial dragon!"

Rimuru said with worried tone, originally rimuru just want to find his crew mates to inform about their ship. But suddenly got a call from dino through den den mushi that said ramiris try to stop luminous

Rimuru then spared no effort and rushed toward the location, but on his way there. He unexpectedly met with guy and leon who also seemed to rush to luminous

"Celestial dragon!? That woman, just what is she thinking!"

Leon gritted his teeth, as someone who already watched one piece, he know better than anyone the consequences for messing with celestial dragon

"Speaking of which, where did dino and dagruel go?!"

Guy asked with frustrating tone

"Hell if i know! I can't even contact milim!"

"She probably forgot to bring her den den mushi. Anyway! Let's just go to them first!"

The three of them then speed up toward luminous


"Hehehehe, that's what you get for dare to make a fool out of me peasant!"

Celestial dragon named saint charloss said with his disgusting smile

Luminous who grabbed ramiris and out her into her palm didn't even try to wake her, sure she wouldn't die from this, at most only her avatar would be useless and luminous know this well

But still, for some reason her gaze toward saint charloss is deadly. Far more than earlier

"I'll fucking kill you"

As luminous mutter she slowly approach saint charloss, each step carried a heavy killing intent which terrified most of the civilians and pirates

Just as luminous about decapitated saint charloss, dino and dagruel appear! They blocked her attack by preventing her to move

"What do you think you are doing---!!"

Luminous who about to cursed her two friends suddenly stopped after seeing those two expression

"Calm down luminous---- i said calm down."

"If you do this, you would really make ramiris's sacrifice worthless!"

They are just as furious as luminous!


"Not bad huh, rimuru will be pleased if he saw this"

Milim mutter while counting the harvest she got after defeating urouge, of course she didn't kill them.

Milim then without hesitation bring all those treasure back their hideout,

'paramount war will start soon, it's time to prepare to set sails'

Milim then grim excitedly

'marine, revolutionary, warlords and yonkou! You guys will be afraid for what is coming!'


At the marineford...

In the fleet admiral room, sengoku and garp is siting opposite to each other

Im contrast of garp who is happily eating his snacks, sengoku is massaging his forehead with trouble expression after reading the reports

"First is the strawhats and now another group of rookies is causing trouble as well!"

Sengoku said outloud with enrage tone

"Gahahaha!! You mean those octagram's brats?"

Garp response as he too has received many reports regarding that group that suddenly emerge at sabaody island

[Plunder Princess] "Captain" Milim Nava
Bounty, 298 million berry

[Vicious Sea] Rimuru Tempest, Bounty, 96 million berry

[Scarlet Devil] Guy Crimson, Bounty, 92 berry

[Eyes Doctor] Luminous Valentine, Bounty, 98 million berry

[Monster] Dagruel, bounty, 85 million berry

[Golden Slash] Leon Cromwell, Bounty, 87 million berry

[Twin Wielder] Dino, Bounty, 62 million berry

[Trickster] Ramiris, Bounty, 63 million berry

"Such a large gap between the captain and the vice-captain, what's going on?"

Garp asked

"Unlike her crew, Plunder Princess seemed more obsessed with plundering, how many of our vice-admirals and warships has been killed and destroyed by her? A lot. At least, her crew wouldn't actively seek trouble like she was"

Sengoku replied with bitter tone


Rimuru, leon and guy finally arrived at their hideout. Dino has informed them to go there as something urgent has happened and luminous is with them as well

After arriving, they saw that luminous is treating ramiris by outting a small band aid all around her body

Thanks to the pirates around, luminous got to steal their life forces and use it to healed ramiris's body.

Luminous then explained to the three of them of what happened earlier

"-----what to do rimuru? Should i go destroyed the whole world government?"

Guy asked calmly, but he is raging inside

"Idiot, with our current limit of this avatar, let alone destroying world government, even taking down admirals is still tough"

Leon said while looking distress about what happened

"-----we will wait for milim."

As rimuru said that, the door suddenly bust open.

Milim who is cheerful earlier is now emotionless, she already heard about what happened before she entered

Rimuru and the others just look at milim intently. They wanna know the decision of the captain

"Kill him---no, kill them!"

With milim words, all of the crew of the octagram pirates let out a wicked grin

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