First Battle

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The octagram originally want to go straight to kill the celestial dragon, but due to rimuru remembering them that the currently strawhats should have a struggle againts the marine force they hold it back for a while

"I don't get it. The celestial dragons should have set sail by now, why would we delay the attack? I've been waiting enough"

Dagruel said while staring at rimuru, demanding a reasonable answer

"Be patient dagruel. If we are gonna participated in a incoming great war, we need to gauge the admiral strength. In this case, it is kizaru"

Just like rimuru said, since they have been waiting for a while, kizaru maybe is currently having a face-off againts rayleigh.

The reason such a force as admirals came to this island is because luffy punched saint charloss a little while ago to save his friend caimy

"I can imagine how luffy must feel right now. Damn it! I wish i could help him"

Milim mutter while gritting his teeth, if everything going as in manga. Luffy right now is losing one by one of his crew to bartholomew kuma.

"Even if you said that, we shouldn't do anything. This is a crucial moment for their growth"

Guy said to which milim just clicking her tongue in annoyance, of course she knew very well about that

After a while, milim who couldn't hold it anymore break the front door and get ready to leave

"I'm going after celestial dragons, you guys go help luffy"

Without waiting for a moment, she left leaving her crew behind

"----is this alright rimuru?"

Luminous asked doubtfully

"Yeah, even though she seem reckless, this is the perfect time for us to make a move. Dino, stay here and protect ramiris, the rest will go with me"

"Yeah, leave the guarding to me~ you guys go have fun!"

Dino seem weirdly motivated, but rimuru couldn't care less about it. With that the octagram began to make their move


"A commoner dare to hit our noble body!! How frustrating!!"

Saint roswald mutter in rage as he keep lashing his slave

"Father~it's hurt, uwaaa~"

Saint charloss who got punched by luffy is whining in pain, this further saint roswald anger but still comforted his son

"Shh~ it's okay, we've already set sail, those commoner can't hurt you anymore"

The scene of saint roswald comforting his fat son who is over 30s make anyone who see this vomit blood of how disgusting it is

"Hey commoner! How is my beloved daughter!"

Saint roswald asked to one of the marine soldier

"Hai!! Saint shalulia still hasn't regain her consciousness!"

"Damn! Damn! Damn!"

Due to anger, saint roswald stomped his feet at the floor like a little kid

During all of this, suddenly something landed on the deck of the ship with extreme force


This make all the marine on board shocked and panicked at the same time

"What's going on at the deck!!"

"N-not sure!! But someone just landed!"

As the dust faded, the figure began to become clearer

Standing there, a single girl with a raging expression!

"I-it's not s-someone! It's the plunder princess!"

As the young marine shoulder announce, milim dissapeared on sight and at the same time multiple fountain of blood gush out from the headless marine soldier

They couldn't even comprehend of what just happen

"Eeeehhhhh!!!! H-help m-me!!"

Saint roswald who is pissing on the floor look terrified as milim began approaching him

"You hurt my friend. Are you ready to pay the price?"


Sentomaru, the captain of science division unit who tasked to capture the strawhats alongside with kizaru suddenly received a emergency sign

"This is..!! Uncle kizaru!!! The ship that celestial dragons aboard is under attack!! We need to go now!"

Sentomaru shout alerting kizaru who is fighting againts rayleigh

Kizaru looked surprise after hearing sentomaru's words, he reluctantly nack down from rayleigh as he need to rush there as soon as possible

"How many pacifista that can still fight?"

"3 sir!!"

"That's more than enough, dark king.....i will capture you next time~"

Rayleigh just smiled fearlessly without replying kizaru words, just as kizaru ready to head back to the ship

He got interrupted by someone

"Oh my~ that's a close call"

Kizaru mutter as another cut appear on his body

He then turn his glance toward a bewitching sliver blue hair girl who is holding a sword is standing before him

"I'm gonna stop you there kizaru. Moreover, i can't let you interfere with my captain affair"

Rimuru said with a smile on his face.

"Oya~ if vicious sea is here, then that mean plunder princess is the one who attacked the ship huh?"

"Hahahaha!! Precisely. So remember well kizaru, this is just the beginning. Soon, we will wipe out the entire whole world government"

Kizaru twitched his eye brows for a little after hearing that ridiculous remark from rimuru

"Slaying the order of this world? Is this the your pirates justice?"

"Justice? No-----"

Rimuru then smiling even wider as his golden eyes shined like a burning flames

"It's called freedom"

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