the agreement.

13 0 0

this chapter will maybe include some swearing and it will include mentions of abuse.
a panic attack is mentioned in this chapter.
no caps is intentional!!

"thanks- yeah thanks, bye.."
kate hung up and put the phone back in her back pocket. "ten minutes. they'll be here in ten minutes." everyone nodded and smiled at the thought of finally getting out of here.

kate sat beside anthony. she sighed and played with her hands. he looked at her then went back to his phone screen. "i swear to god." she sighed. "i'm so pissed i'm not gonna get this job-" she complained yet again. "oh for fuck sake kate! can you please just stop whining for five minutes and just be happy we are getting out of here! your so annoying-" he blurted.

it fell silent.

kate stared at anthony for a second. anthony even was a bit shocked at what he had said himself. kate looked at her feet and began to tear up. she hugged her knees and laid her forehead on top of them. everyone in the room was quiet. nobody knew what to do, what to say.

"kate, don't listen to him. your not annoying, your just stressed and that's ok. we all are. and i'm really sorry you might not get this job but i promise this isn't your fault-! it's hardly your fault this stupid elevator broke." comforted willow, whispering to kate. smiling softly and rubbing her back. "yeah, don't listen to him he's probably just very stressed too." agreed charlie, whispering back. kate smiled weakly at them. "yeah exactly. don't worry about it ok?" mentioned orla.

anthony's face fell. she was crying. she was crying because of him.

"kate.. i'm so sorry.." he blurted. "your not annoying, not at all i- i'm really sorry." he said, struggling to find the words. kate nodded slowly and looked at him. "it's not even that." kate began, everyone turned to her. "yesterday my boyfriend of two years walked out on me. he said the reason he left me was because i was annoying. so.." she sniffled, wiping her eyes. anthony did nothing..
but hold out his arms. anthony and kate stared at each other for a second before kate let out a massive smile. she lay her head on his chest as she sat inbetween his lap. "i'm so sorry. he's an asshole." anthony smiled, tucking a piece of her hair behind her ear. "thank you." she replied. everyone smiled at each other. had they became.. enemies to.. no.. friends.


five minutes later.

willow took a shaky breath, playing with her rings. charlie was the only one that noticed. "are you ok?" he asks, slightly worried. "yeah, sorry i'm just- a little claustrophobic and- stressed and having a little bit of a panic attack r-right now but i'm fine.. "hey hey don't worry, we are gonna get out of here soon." he smiles, putting a hand on top of hers. she smiled, she immediately felt more safe.
but why?

three minutes later.

they were all, finally, out of that damn elevator. though for some reason.. they didn't want to be. "hey guys listen.. why don't we hang out sometime. i mean we all pretty much bonded in there unless that was just me-" charlie said, smiling.
everyone agreed, they all wanted to stay close.
they were the only friends all of them had.

and maybe the only friends they will ever have.

a/n: im so mad bc i couldn't rly include orla this much but trust me next chapter me and all the gays and ally's will be rooting for orla ;)

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 26, 2022 ⏰

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