Chapter 1: Sneaking & Snacking

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(Yin's POV)

"Hey," Yang whispers. "Uhh, yeah?" I whisper back. "I'm kinda hungry... I mean, you should be too. Can we go sneak out to the kitchen?" he asks. "WHAT?!" my whisper becomes a bit too loud. "Shhhiii...USH!!" Yang shushes me. "Cherries will wake up!" I turn to the right of me. The Cherries are still sound asleep. "Still... We can't go!! What if Cherries wakes up?! What if we make a loud noise and someone barges into the room, which will cause a lot of others to wake up?!" I quickly stop myself after speaking. "Yin!! You're overreacting! Stop thinking of the exaggerated future!" Yang softly yells. "Well, still! What if it does happen?!" I respond. He shrugs. "Let's just... quietly tiptoe away, okay?" Yang sighs. "Right... I'm getting a little hungry too," I sigh as well. "Well we're both getting hungry! We're... you know. Combined? So we have the same stomach, you idiot!" he yells quietly. "Okay, okay... yeah. Let's just go! Shh, now," I beckon him. "I'm no dog!!" Yang hits my arm. "Ow!! Stop it! Let's just go..." I whisper to him and tap him on the shoulder.

We quietly slip out of bed, trying not to awaken Cherries. We put the covers back and quietly tiptoe to the door. We opened the door slightly. The door was quiet, thankfully. Yang then put his hand on the door and quickly opened the door. The door creaked, but not too much. "Yang!! What are you doing!?" I whisper loudly. "It doesn't matter! Let's get out of here, you dummy!!" he defensively whispers. I shrug it off and we quietly walked to the kitchen after passing the doorframe.

"Yang!! We're finally close to the kitchen! Let's go grab something and go back," I smile. "Yes, but what do I want first? We need to look through the fridge," he replies. "Yeah. What do WE want first?" I correct him. He scoffs but walks to where the kitchen is located.

We reach the wall near the kitchen, but we heard a creaking noise. "What's that?! Who's there?! Come out! I have a... uhh... my fist!" he yells out defensively. I sigh. "Yang, your fist wont do anything! I mean... what if it's someone else who's out for a midnight snack?" I question. "Oh, shut up!! I doubt it," he answers. "Mmhm. Well, let's just get our snack. We're delaying!" I sigh. "Yeah," Yang answers. "Probably because we're spending time chatting away."

We reach the doorframe of the kitchen. "Hey, Yin? You seeing what I'm seeing?" Yang asks. "Of course... yeah. Is that Balloon?" I ask. "Yeah... I think that's Balloon. What's he doing on the kitchen counter?" Yang questions. "No idea, but he has his tongue on the cutting board... and... THERE'S A-" Yang quickly covers our mouth. "Shut it, Yin! We have to be quiet." I nod. "Anyway, we see the same thing. You don't need to describe," Yang whispers. "Yeah, yeah. Do we just... spy? Or do we go back? Or do we try to grab something from the fridge? Or do we go talk to Balloon? Or do we-" I was quickly cut off by Yang talking. "'Or dO We' SHUT UP, YIN!!" he breaks the whisper. "Yang!! Balloon will hear us and probably snitcHHhhhh..." I put my hand on my face. "AGAIN. I doubt it! That loser would never snitch! Especially because it's about food!" Yang defends himself. "Are you implying- Ugh. Never mind. Let's just... go," I reply, facepalming. "No!! I want to see what this loser is up to!" Yang stops me. "Okay, yeah. Whatever," I chuckle.

When we look at Balloon again, he has this traumatized glare. He's staring at us.

"EUWW... WHY IS HE LOOKING AT US LIKE THAT?!" Yang covers our head. "I... I don't know..!" I respond. "He knows! He knows!!" Yang drags us back to the bedroom. I grab onto the doorframe. "WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU?!-" Yang shouts at me quietly. "Wait. Look at Balloon closely," I shush him. He squints. "Who's that cutting his tongue into pieces-" Yang gags. "D-Do we save him?!" I panic. "Heck no!!" Yang objects.

We run back to our room and tiptoe back to our bed. Cherries isn't awake from what I know. "Do you think we should've saved him?" I give Yang a little brain message. "No!! I still think the same. I could've died. YOU could've died. We BOTH could've died," Yang answers me. "Yeah, but..." I was cut off. "NO. It... It has to be a dream!!" Yang turns. He hits my side of the face. Really hard. "OW!!" I yelp. The Cherries jolt up. Cherries yawns. "What are you... ugh. Whatever. Goodnight," Cherries answers, turning their backs to us. "WAIT!!" Yang shouts quietly. The Cherries pause. "Uhh, Cherries. Tell me. Did you hear footsteps or arguing anywhere?" Cherries stares at us. "Uhh, in my dream, yes. Not in real life at least. Why?" Cherries answers, then asks. "Uhh, something... Yeahahaha... Anyways, what was your dream about?" I ask. "Uh, I had a dream about someone... I can't remember... walking out of the room... and then... arguing with someone outside..?" Cherries answers. "I forget. Sorry." Yang lets out a disappointed sigh. "Okay, whatever. Goodnight. Just... sleep," Yang tells Cherries. The Cherries nod and turn around to sleep. Yang and I turn to face the wall.

Suddenly, I wake up. The Cherries are sound asleep. "Huh?!" Yang whispers. "That dream... It was crazy! Like... Balloon... Cherries' weird dream... It was all so bizarre!" I curl up into a ball. "Well, yeah!" Yang whispers. "Actually... how about we stick to that schedule?" I ask. Yang gasps. "I mean, yeah! Why not," he answers. "So... what's the schedule?" I question, snickering.

"Yin, let's wait till tomorrow midnight. We're going to check the kitchen... in real life," Yang whispers to me. "What about Balloon? Can we check on him first?" I ask. "Ugh. Why do you care about that loser?! But... I suppose it wouldn't hurt to do so," he agrees. "Then we've got our schedule!" I whisper happily. "First, we check on Balloon, do our daily routine, then go to the kitchen at midnight!" Yang yawns. "Yeah, yeah. Okay. Let's do whatever you said tomorrow. Right now, worry about sleep," Yang sighs. "Okay, okay! Goodnight!" I whisper. "Goodnight, loser," he says as we doze off to sleep.

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