Chapter 2: Just Checking In!

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(Yang's POV)

Agh. I woke up early!! I just need to wait for this stupid loser to wake up! Hm. That was a crazy dream, though. I think I- WE... had the same dream as Cherries. Yin must be dreaming of unicorns and rainbows or something. Loser stuff.

I lay in the same position. Should I just wake him up?! We really need to go and ask. Just as I think that, Yin wakes up, putting his cupped hand in the air.

"Yin, what's wrong...- with you?!" I yell out at him. He lets out a confused, "Hm?" I scoff. "We're supposed to wake up early to talk to Balloon, you idiot!" I yell at him. He giggles softly. "I just had a good night's sleep..." he laughs. "Didn't we have the same dream as Cherries?!" I question him, hoping he'd remember. "Ohh, yeah! Eureka! I think it was OJ arguing with Salt or something," Yin smiles. "Okay. Let's just go find Balloon," I sigh. Yin and I make our way to the kitchen.

"Hm? Oh! Good morning, Yin-Yang! You're up early," Paper chirps happily as he closes the stove. I wave. Yin greets him with a cheery, "Good morning, Paper! And yeah. We've got something to get to. Anyways, how you doin'?" "Oh, just great! But everyone's been sorta... down lately. They're ignoring me and all with these worried looks on their faced. But hey! I don't wanna ruin the mood, right?" Paper nervously grins. "Oh, no. That's fine! Do you actually know why they're all... well, sad?" Yin asks. Paper scratches his arm a bit. "Well, only a bit of it. OJ knows but he doesn't wanna tell me. Fvhh..." he shivers. "I do have a little information from that gossiping I've heard, though." "Spill it!" Yin grins. "Ya sure?" Paper checks. "Obviously. We're no loser! So now. Tell us!!" I yell. Paper backs away a bit. "Yeah!! Yeah... Anyways, according to hearsay, something happened to one of our residents and now... they can't speak..? Something like that. I hope that's not actually true..." Paper places the pancakes down at the buffet table. "Ah... I do hope so too. But Yang, that does tie in with... you know," Yin does weird hand gestures. "Huhh- Yeahh!! I remember. Haha," I smile awkwardly. "Uh... Do we tell Paper?" Yin asks. "I dunno. Gotta ask OJ," I shrug.

Paper gets the maple syrup and walks over to us.

"You guys wanna help me prepare breakfast?" he asks. "Just the blueberries, raspberries, and... butter? Yeah. Wanna help?" "Eh. Rather not," I answer, scoffing in this 'obvious' tone. "Heh... all right. I'll have to ask Mic something when she comes along. Anyways, wish ya luck today!" Paper giggles. So annoying. Yang, that's not nice! Yin! I forgot you could do that... We've been doing it all our life!! How could you forget?! I-... I don't know! Let's just go find Balloon, loser! Okay..!

Yin then chuckles. Paper looks at us with a 'what-the-fudge-is-Yin-laughing-at' kind of look. Yeah. He'd say fudge instead of- YOU KNOW! Ugh. No one is spying on our thoughts, Yin. You don't need to censor it. Yes, but... foul language! We can't use that!! Loser. Can we just go now?? Okay. You better not say, "ArE We tHeRe yEt?"

Yin chuckles out loud again. "You- *sigh* Go on, guys," Paper sighs. "Ha, okay," I say. "Yeah... See you later, Paper!" Yin giggles as he drags us to the crowd of objects.

"WHAT ARE YOU LOSERS ALL DOING HERE?! AT BA...- Balloon's... room?" I stop myself from talking. Soap turns to me. "It... I don't think you should... I don't think you wanna know," Soap pushed my arm a bit. "Why?!" I ask. "Well... uh, something happened to Balloon. I don't think he wants anyone to know!!" Soap rubs her arm.

Fan turns around and nudges Test Tube on the arm. Test Tube shakes her head. Fan sighs and turns to Paintbrush. He tugs on their arm a bit and points at us. Paintbrush looks at him with a questioning look. "Tell him," Fan whispers to Paintbrush. "About Balloon?" Paintbrush asks while whispering. Fan nods. They're idiots. We can still hear them!! I can't object on that one. See?! Even Yin agrees!! Yeah... haha.

"Hey, Yin-Yang?" Paintbrush walks up to us. "Are you sure you wanna-" "YES, YOU IDIOT! WE'VE BEEN ASKING SO MANY... UGH! JUST TELL US ALREADY!! I'M TOO CURIOUS," I shout at Paintbrush. Paintbrush backs up a bit, probably startled, but they hold both our hands. "You're letting curiosity get the better of you, Yang..." Paintbrush sighs. "It can't be that bad, right?" Yin asks. "The same thing could happen to you as Balloon," Paintbrush backs away a bit. "JUST TELL US ALREADY-" I get cut off my Paintbrush speaking. "Okay, okay! Just don't think about it too much, alright?!" Paintbrush shushes me. "Wait..." I start. "This all ties in together! That weird dream... that- wait...- Is that what happened to Balloon!?" Yin finishes my sentence. "Is what what happened to Balloon?" Paintbrush looks at us with a puzzled look. Soap walks to the kitchen. "Weird how that, 'what what,' is grammatically correct, hm?" Yin chuckles. "Is that actually- I mean, if you say it right," Yin answers before I can finish. Paintbrush facepalms. "I'm not gonna tell you, am I?" Paintbrush starts walking towards Fan. "Wait- OKAY, YOU CAN TELL US!!" I grab Paintbrush's arm. They tug away and dust off their arm a bit. "Balloon can't speak and his tongue is cut off. He nightmare-d about- Nightmare-d? Nightmare-d... Nightmare-d..? Uhh... He dreamt about his tongue being cut off, waking up to blood gushing out of his mouth, and well... tongue is," Paintbrush drags their finger across their neck. "Gone." "That kinda... Let's tell that to everyone once we actually know who the culprit is," Yang whispers to me, but he did cut me off. ONCE AGAIN, YIN CUT ME OFF. Hahahahaha. You probably have this smug face on.

That was the worst longest conversation, with eye contact, EVER. That conversation got dragged out so far, when Paintbrush could've just told us from the start! 

Paintbrush stares at us and walks away. We run back to the kitchen. It's 6:00 AM. Time to have this food all to myself! HAHAHAHAHAHhahahahaha- No.

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⏰ Last updated: May 18, 2022 ⏰

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