A change in the manor, Jokermarg

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Cause i've seen it a lot on Instagram, transfem Joker will be heavily implied in this oneshot, Mary being a good close friend and Luchino being his own creature😙✨


The ginger haired survivor have had a bad match. And most people knew it. Even his best friend, Luchino noticed it. The ginger was currently having his hair brushed after a four man loss to Percy. And he showed no mercy to the weak survivor. Mary's gentle brushing relaxed him. He had asked her to help him get changed into something comfortable that wasn't his uniform or costume since it was the last match of the day for him. They were in the garden, where both hunters and survivors could hang out. Mary and Joker bonded and are close friends.

"Is everything going alright? You've been on a losing streak recently", she asked.

Joker tensed his body. Should he tell her how he's been feeling?

"I don't know...", the weak survivor mumbled.

Mary soon stopped brushing his hair. Her soft hand cupping his cheek to face her.

"If something's the matter you can tell me", Mary soon said.

The ginger gasped lightly. Soon he was teary eyed.  She went back to brushing his hair.

"I'll tell you the truth... I've been feeling... weird about my identity...", he soon explained.

"That's common for you after receiving a survivor and hunter form", Mary explained.

"No but... I feel like i'm not a boy", the survivor said, shocking the hunter as her brushing halted.

He was scared he said something wrong.

"Why didn't you talk to me sooner?", Mary asked, shocking the survivor.

"What do you mean?", Joker asked.

Mary only smiled and lead Joker to her room.

"These dresses I outgrew when I was younger. They look they they'd fit your petite form and plus, they're cute", Mary squealed lightly.

Joker's eyes were a glistening purple that had stars in their eyes.

"Why don't we try it this way?", Mary asked.

"Let's try calling you by feminine pronouns and trying out my outfits", Mary said.

Joker only nodded. And it had begun. And Joker never felt happier. There was this red and yellow dress, reminding Joker of their scarf. And Joker was spinning around. Suddenly there were happy claps along with some chuckles. Joker turned to the sounds. A little boy with brunette hair, tan skin and big brown and green eyes with red stitches on his neck. He looked ecstatic. And a dark haired ginger who's hazel eyes were glistening with curiosity.

"You're very pretty ma'am!", the little boy, known as Robbie said.

Joker soon went wide eyed as Robbie said that. That word. Ma'am. It felt nice. It felt. Right. A smile curved onto the ginger's face as Robbie smiled at Joker's reaction. Joker's lit up eyes revealed what Mary wanted to confirm.

"Ya know, i'm testing out what a feminine hormone does to a masculine body, want to volunteer?", the Italian accent of Joker's best friend who is also known as Luchino.


"I-I mean, yes I'd love to volunteer", Joker fixed up her words, causing a chuckle from the Italian.

"How'd you even?", Mary asked.

"I'm a scientist studying these things, I know what i'm doing cause I tested the vise versa on myself", Luchino said.

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