A charm of heart

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QingXuan was all sweaty from their earlier activities.

Their bodies were touched in places, nobody touched before, they felt the sensation they never felt before.

All so overwhelming that it was hard to breath yet hard to let go.

Qingxuan had passed out.

He Xuan sighed in relief.

If Qingxuan wasn't passed out He xuan would have to forcefully knock him up.

Not that Qingxuan would resist him anyway.

He Xuan pulled out the thin blade out and placed it on the skin right above Qingxuan's heart.

This heart of yours, what does it bear? 
No malice, no resentment toward your brother's murderer. Do you even have any heart?

Qingxuan's body was no longer as mesmerising as it used to be when he was the Windmaster. But even though Qingxuan always used to stand out no matter wherever he was.

When He Xuan first saw him after his fall from heaven, he was participating in Xie Lian's ritual.

He looked different, but his eyes didn't.


Why didn't his eyes lost the shine? Why was is it not void of emotion? Why was it not flared up with rage?! 

Why was it so beautiful yet?

Qingxuan's body was in a pitiful state, but even so it was easily detected that he was in age of his youth.

However after meeting with him as 'Keai',  day by day He Xuan has noticed how QingXuan's body kept falling apart bit by bit. It was not something unexpected. Qingxuan was no longer a god. He was just a mere mortal.  Mere mortals can not stay with malicious ghosts for long time. It weakens their body and messes with their qi.

Qingxuan was also not unknown to this fact. Even so he didn't say anything to him. He secretly put 'Keai' in a distance from other people yet close to himself as to not make 'Keai' feel lonely or out of place.

The closer they got, the more Qingxuan suffered.

Yet he never said any words.


Would He Xuan ever know? This person...the one who stole his fate? 

The thin knife swiftly cut through his skin, blood spilled from the freshly wound, gushing out.

Shi Qingxuan hissed in pain but his conscious didn't come back properly yet.

"Qingxuan, I don't want this to end ever." He Xuan murmured softly while putting unknown substance on the wound.

It seemed to burn slightly before mixing with the blood and entering Qingxuan's heart.

Qingxuan's existence had brought his existence. He won't let it go.


"Ge~ heard you're again going's to visit the Shui* realm! Ey, are you meeting with beautiful maiden again? Or is it handsome masters?"

Shi Qingxuan was almost crushing his older brother with all of his body weight.

Shi Wudu massaged his head yet didn't have the heart to throw his precious brother away, "What nonsense are you talking about! And where is your manner! Sit properly.
They are all noble spirits. I'm just visiting there to keep our relationship good. Don't think too much into it."

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