"the mad king "

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They was a 4 boys in the castle and 1girl the king vampire married a 2 Queen the fist was called "kordilia" and the second called "Bettrex" "kordilia" she pregnant of 2 boys the first called "yoki" and the second called "lli" Bettrex was the same the first called"shu" and the second called "nalon"

After 100 year the king vampire married another Queen when he know that there sons had killed there's mothers the Queen called "machei" she had a girl called "ANIKE"

"The bad life turn to a pretty life "

The king vampire was so angry at his wife because, she had a girl he want to kill "Anike" but "machei " won't him kill her she was taking Anike but after she taking her but the mighty king take Anike the king vampire became frightening and the Queen he take Anike and disappear....

He take Anike and went to his massive big castle he was treat her like his daughter but he didn't have a daughter because he didn't married... Years  passed and the Anike became 10 year old and ha had to send her to king vampire because she's his daughter he really love her as his daughter and Anike was adore him as his father.....

Anike was sad to leave him but he said to her that he will leave him just for allot of time and come again be frightened

"The bad life"


Anike was afraid  lli, said hmm you
are anike then you are small weak girl.  Anike ,said with a low voice h.. hey i am not small weak girl.
Nalon said, stop lli what are you want from the little girl. Anike have the "massive blood" but after she went there
The mighty king put a perfume at her the to no body smile her blood and suck her blood

Shu take Anike to her new room  Anike said, what's your name. Shu said, my name is shu this is your new room take this dress take comfort in the room . Anike said, thanks shu-kun.  Anike went to room and wore  the dress

Anike  was heating lli and yoki and nalon but she loving shu because he treat her nicely. Anike was wanting to be strong so she began to training to be strong years passed and she is grow up and became 15 years old in world of vampires they can stoped they their age so anike stoped their age until 15 years old Anike became very strong she training hard until this years Anike was Half vampire and Half  demon because of this problem , the girl affected both physically and psychological

Anike when she was 13 years old  she met a pearson she didn't know him he called karos he said , hi breety girl are you know me iam your father's freind . Anike, my father's freind but my father don't have freind . Karos, no he have come with me he till me to take you to my office to till you about your  task and he Catch her hand . Anike, heyy live my hand and she pushed him and run . Anike come her he run after her  he catch her and hit her in her face she fainted he take her to his secret hideout the place was so darck this is was a lonly one lamp he  connect her in the chair Anike when she wake up she found her silf settings on a chair She was tied with dates he torture her he ask her a question if she answered rong he torture her more and more Anike scream she cread the half a demon  control her and she changed she loughd with scary voice and she attacked him and she suck his blood until he died and .......

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⏰ Last updated: May 03, 2022 ⏰

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