ninth: it's impossible

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Midtown Rooftop, New York - (Night)

- Y/n's POV -

"I'm really sorry that I dragged you into this. But you have to go home now. Good luck." Peter sincerely said to the other Peter Parkers.

Peter reaches for The Box again, but MJ gently pulls it back. She looks at Peter - "just hear them out".

"My uncle Ben was killed. It was my fault." the older Peter said.

"I lost..." the other Peter joined, his voice sounded like he's about to break down. "I lost Gwen. My, um... she was my MJ. I couldn't save her. I'm never gonna be able to forgive myself for that. But I carried on, tried to, um... try to keep going, try to keep being the uh... that "Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man," 'cause I knew that's what she would have wanted. But at some point, I just- I stopped pulling my punches. I got rageful. I got bitter. I just don't want you to end up like..." he stopped, his voice still catching. "like me".

Oh. I feel sorry for them. You really never know what's going on in someone else's life. You said in your thoughts, your eyes still glistening with tears.

"The night Ben died, I hunted down the man who I thought did it. I wanted him dead. I got what I wanted. It didn't make it better. It took me a long time to learn to get through that darkness." the older Peter added.

Peter is reeling. Struck by their losses. Their regrets. Their warning.

"I want to kill him. I want to tear him apart. I can still hear her voice in my head. Even after she was hurt, she said to me that we did the right thing. She told me that, "With great power-" Peter got interrupted.

" -Comes great responsibility." the older Peter said.

The three of them look at each other. How do they know?

"Wait, what? How do you know that?" Peter ask, confused.

"Uncle Ben said it." the other Peter responded.

"The day he died." the older Peter added.

The three Peter Parkers stare at each other, overwhelmed by this uncanny connection. Bound together across universes by those words.

"Maybe she didn't die for nothing, Peter" the older Peter mumbled.


Midtown High - Chemistry Lab

- Y/n's POV -

The three Peters look over the broken cures. You, Ned, and MJ watch from nearby.

"Okay so, uh... Connors, Marko, Dillon, and um..." Peter hesitates.

He sets aside the cure for Goblin.

"Uh, look, I think that I can repair the devices for Dillon and Marko, but the others-"

"Uh, look, I think that I can repair the devices for Dillon and Marko, but the others-"

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