
9 0 1

September 6th



I look up to find that the room has filled since I first sat down. The desks around me have been occupied by loud teenagers, except for the one beside me. Glancing up I find that the teacher has not yet arrived. I look back down to my lap where my book still lays open and quickly resume engrossing myself in the text.

"Good morning class!"

Booms a voice from the front of the room. I look up to find that my teacher, Mr. Something, has entered the room. Hes young. Younger than I'd expect for a 10th grade algebra teacher, but he clearly has the sense of style of a 60 year old lumberjack. I cast a sideways glance over to my side to see that a girl has claimed the seat to my right. I shift every so slightly, leaning over to ask her name— "Alright kids. Attendance. This is homeroom C, right?" Mr. Something calls and looks at a folder on his desk. "Okay. Gomez, Sarina?" He peers over the top of his glasses at us searching for "Sarina".

"Here." A pretty girl at the back of the class calls.

"Alright, Sarina is here. Gonzalez, Ezra?" He continues. Reading out names, waiting for a timid reply. I go back to the book in my lap. God I love reading.

I feel a tap on my arm and look over to see the girl sitting beside me is gesturing to the teacher. I look up and see that Mr. Something is staring at me expectantly, as is the rest of the class.

"I'm sorry. What did you say?" He continues to stare at me as he moves closer to my spot on the wall.

"I asked if you were present, assuming you are April Hayes?" He was now only a couple of feet from my desk, his clear blue eyes squinted.

"Erm, yes. I'm April Hayes." His eyes narrowed even more, if that was even possible.

"Well Miss. Hayes, next time you are in my class I expect you to be focused on me, not your book. Next time this happens you will lose your book and earn a detention. Are we clear?" I nodded and looked back down to my lap as he stalked off back to the front of the room.

I was still sorta listening when the bell rang. I gathered up my stuff and left the classroom as quickly as I could. I pulled my schedule out of my back pocket. Civics, great. My grade 10 year is off to an awesome start. 

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