Episode 1. Mody

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Mody woke up to an alarm clock and got up from bed and ready for school. Mody gets dressed and eats breakfast, tho Jonah got the bigger portion. Mody gets on the bus and sits alone and towards the back where he's tormented by the other kids. After a long trip, they finally get to school and Mody walks straight to class. As he's walking down the halls, he bumps into Jay, making him spill his soda on Marcie, who Jay was talking to. Everyone around gasps and then everything goes dead silent. Even the teachers flee the scene out of fear before things get ugly. Mody gulps nervously as he smiles awkwardly.

Mody: "sorry about that, hehe 😅"

Jay: "are you serious?"

Marcie: "sorry isn't gonna get these stains off my clothes! You better pay up!"

Mody: "just wash it-"

Marcie: "do I look like the type of degenerate who reuses their clothes?!"

Mody: "I-"

Jay pins Mody against the lockers.

Jay: "you got some nerve talking to my girlfriend like that without permission, and making me spill my grape fanta on her. You wanna get beat up?" *cracks knuckles*

Mody: "dude, it was just am accident"

Jonah: "hey" that's how you were born"

Mody: "wha-who's side are you on?!"

Jonah: "literally anyone but yours."

Marcie: "ew, the soda got on my shoes too. My parents just bought me these!"

Mody: "again, I'm really sorry"

Jay: "after school, you and me are gonna fight. Better not run away this time"

Jay and Marcie leave school.

Mody: "you should really go to cla-"

Someone in the background throws a book at Mody and hits him in the face. Mody goes to class and sits right behind his crush: Devon.

Mody: 'oh my god, it's Devon. I see his mom finally fixed his car after all. She did say that she would right before she left to go work at Pizza Hut. Devon gets free pizza from time to time and invites his friends over when he throws pizza parties. Tho he never invites me...'

Mody leans forward and sniffs Devon, who turns around instantly.

Devon: "what the f*ck?"

Mody: "sorry, you smelled really nice. You also slept well, I saw"

Devon: "...please get away from me and STOP stalking me"

Mody: "but I love you"

Devon: "yeah, you know who else will love you?"

Mody: "who?"

Devon: "your cellmate when you go to jail after I call the cops on you"

Mody: "ok I won't stalk you anymore"

Devon: "GOOD."

Mody: "so...you free this afternoon?"

Devon gets up and leaves the class in the middle of the lesson. The teacher was confused but then looked at Mody and immediately understood. Mody was now crying.

Teacher(under his breath): "god, I f*cking hate that kid..."

Eventually, they all made it through school and the final bell rang. Mody was ready to go home but then was stopped by Jay and Marcie.

Jay: "ok, it's time to smoke your ass"

Mody: "wait what?"

Jay punches Mody in the face, and knocks him like 12 feet back.

Mody: "...OW!"

Jay beats up Mody while Marcie recorded it and airdropped it. After he was satisfied, Jay stopped and took his girlfriend on a date. They went to go eat some steak and wine, while Mody crawled back home. He sees Devon at his friend Trent's house and gets up. He breaks a window in the back and sneaks inside the house. He sees Devon and Trent playing some Mario Kart in the living room and sneaks uo behind the couch. Trent leaves to use the bathroom, and Devon scrolls on his phone. Mody gets up and was about to put Devon in a sack, but Devon saw him through the reflection of his phone and backed the f*ck away before Mody could strike.

Mody: "crap!"

Devon: "DUDE. WHAT THE F*CK?!"

Mody: "wait, it's not what it looks like!"

Devon: "how the f*ck did you even get in here?!"

Mody: "I broke in through the back window"

Devon: "get out!"

Mody: "not before we share a romantic kiss and-"

Devon pulls out a shotgun, which was next to the couch. It belonged to Trent's dad.

Mody: "woah!"

Mody puts his hands in the air and drops the sack.

Devon: "Leave. Now."

Mody: "...NEVER!"

Devon shoots Mody, who tries to dodge f*cking bullets. From a shotgun. At point blank. He fails and ends up getting wounded, tho not fatally. Trent comes back from the bathroom and hears all the noise.

Trent: "hey, what's going on? WHAT THE F*CK?!"

Mody was bleeding on the couch and he also peed his pants so that soaked into the couch as well. Devon drops the gun and started calling the police. Devon explains everything and the cops take Mody away and get a young and handsome man named Chad Thundercock to fix the window. Chad was chill and also joined in on Mario Kart before leaving to do what Chads do. Mody was patched up, reluctantly, and sent to juvie where he would drop the soap on the first day, but hey, Devon was right...Mody's cellmate really did love him, tho Mody did NOT love him in return and begged to be set free as be slowly withered away behind bars and never saw the light of day ever again. The End...also, the Mody spinoff is cancelled.

Lol, this was meant to be released on April 1st for April Fool's, but it got delayed cuz of how busy I was, but hey, better late then right? Anyways, I hope you enjoyed it, I personally found myself dying while writing this, so I hope you all had a good laugh too. I used OC's Devon, Marcie, Trent, and of course Mody from my good friend Drifblimsoap who you should follow. He writes good stories and has more to come in the future. That's all from me for now, peace 😉

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