In this promenade, I have an array of masks. I wear a smile for my friends, a scowl for my enemies, and a straight face for the rest. But, no matter how hard I try, I can't seem to find the right one to wear when you are around.
The music plays, you take her hand. I bloom on the wall, waiting for the time to pass.
Leave me to drown in the sea of your memories, lest I clutch your arms and haunt you like a ghost. Take the starlight from my pocket, use it for your own. Just keep dancing in the courtyard, take her in your wings and soar into the heavens.
Saltwater trickles from the windows of my soul. The petals fall apart and I shatter like glass upon the sight of you, holding her, the way I dream of us, together in the middle of the floor.
I watch in the shadows, waiting on the impossible, hoping for a miracle that I know will never arrive.
Although my reckoning still exists, I grip on reality like it is my life.
I bloomed on the wall, and on the wall, I shall stay.