Valerie's interlude

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I don't know what I'm doing here. But I couldn't stop myself, as I walked down the halls of the empty hospital, my feet attached to a mind of their own.

I have to stop, I can't do this.

She's so happy...

But she doesn't know him. Who he is. He's got her wrapped around his finger and she doesn't know about the loop she's fallen into.

I can't figure out if I'm doing this for her or in spite of him...

Or both?

I rounded the corner, my bottom lip quivering as I unlocked the door with my keycard, glancing up at the room number.

28...what a fucking coincidence.

I took my time to shut it so that it remained silent, like the rest of the hospital.

I rested my forehead against it and let out a shaky breath. What I was about to do was so wrong, on so many levels, because I knew how deep the damage will go, but somehow my whole body was going against me.

She doesn't know him like I do...

I turned around, slowly, until my back was against the door, to see a sleeping Arian in his reclining bed. One step, two steps, three, until I was at the visitor chair. I lowered myself into it and gazed down at his young face.

"Arian," I whispered, reaching to touch his shoulder. Once my skin came in contact with his the realization sunk in of what I was about to do, and I pulled my arm back, so fast that my elbow crashed into the IVs on the stand, causing a series of disturbing clatters.

"Shit!" I winced, steadying the hanging bag with shaking fingers. I froze when his head moved ever so slightly, and I couldn't tell if his eyes were open or closed in the dim moonlight.

"Valerie?" His hoarse voice broke the silence. He tried to sit up but he fell back against his pillow. I could feel his burning gaze as I gulped down the lump in my throat.

There's no going back now...

"Arian," I said again, touching his shoulder firmly this time. "It's me."

"What time is it? Do I have to take my meds? Where's Nola-"

"Stop talking," I whimpered at the sound of her name, shoving my hand in my pocket for my phone. I scrolled through his album and plugged in the wire of my old earphones.

"What are you doing?" He grunted as I forced it into his ear. He couldn't push me away because of all the straps attached to him. I pressed play, raising the volume as a tear fell on my phone screen.

"Do you know this song?" I sniffled, breathing heavily. He was silent until I heard the first lyric through the earbud.

"Yeah..." He trailed off. I had to see his face. My hands shook more than ever as I shined the flash in his direction.

"Stop," he jolted at the bright light, turning his head the other way. I almost felt bad that he couldn't shield himself from it. "What the hell, Val?"

"Answer my question," I forced the words through my gritted teeth, keeping the flash on him.

"Yeah, it's Valerie by The Weeknd, now turn that light off for fuck's sake."

I smiled and stood from the chair, yanking the earbud out of his ear. I leaned down to his level, and maybe it was the mix of tears, smudged mascara and pearly whites, because his eyes widened in horror. Damn, I must've looked worse than I thought.

"What happened to you?" He whispered, his brows knotted.

He happened to me.

"Do you know..." I started, tracing his hairline and stroking his cheek gently. "Who the girl he's singing about is?"

He didn't respond and his face remained in its stoned state. Something in between a cry and a laugh burst out of my mouth.

"It's me, Arian. I'm Valerie."


"He's singing about me," I hissed. "Connect the goddamn dots, Arian. Did the concussion give you brain damage?"

"I don't believe you," he snapped quietly. "It could be any other Valerie."

I chuckled and opened my camera roll, sucking my teeth as I wiped the tears off the screen. I scrolled through my favorites folder. When my breath hitched I knew I found it.

"What the fuck..." Arian breathed as I showed it to him. It was a photo of Abel and I in the street, his arm wrapped tightly around my neck and his other hand holding a bottle of Hennessy to his lips.

"Do you believe me now?" I grinned triumphantly. "It's me, Arian."

"Val, are you drunk?" He asked carefully, his body language showing that he'd rather be anywhere but here.

I shook my head. "I'm just here to warn you, dear. Abel just left to Vancouver, and when you're out of here you better expect Nola to tell you about moving to LA."

"Why LA?"

"He lives there. She's in love with him, you dumbass. It's only a matter of time before they're together again."

He was silent, and I turned off the flash because I didn't want to see his face for this next part.

"Listen carefully," I whispered, my breath falling onto his cheek. He flinched but he couldn't move. "Whenever you smell a hint, just a hint of Nola doing just about anything that seems suspicious, you're going to ask her what she's planning. Eventually she'll tell you about LA. You'll tell her you don't want to. You like your pathetic life here. You'll refuse, and she'll try to convince you, but you won't change your mind, because if you do, oh Arian, I know how much you love her. I'm sure you wouldn't like to see her heartbroken. Torn apart. Cutting herself while listening to a song he wrote about her. Right?"

"How the fuck do you know all this?"

I sighed and sat back in the chair. I felt him relax his stance, but his face was still tense in the dark. "I asked to move with him, long ago, when he was still blowing up. I was so sure that his home was mine, that nothing can ever break our bond. But he said no. He said that he loved me, he wanted me, he needed me, and all three were false. I knew it, but back then I would've preferred surrendering to his lies than ending up alone, Arian. I pretended to believe everything that came out of his mouth. Where did that get me, Arian? He didn't take me with him. I'm still here, and he left me."

I got up suddenly, startling the poor boy again. This was taking longer than I expected. I'm getting side tracked.

"You're not going to let her move to LA." I said carefully. "Unless you want things to get ugly."

"Ugly how?" He asked quietly. "What are you gonna do, Val?"

I smiled and stood up, walking to the door in satisfaction.

"Val?" I heard his weak voice again, pleading me. "Please tell me."

"Mmm," I hummed, pretending to be deep in thought as I traced the edges of the keycard with my fingertips. The sheets moved and I could tell he was trying to get out of the bed. The door buzzed open as I glanced over my shoulder.

"I haven't decided yet, darling. Just know it won't be pretty."



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⏰ Last updated: Apr 28, 2022 ⏰

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