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Piggy's POV

All the little nuns have left already and SamnEric have switched teams. Ralph has been trying to build us a bigger hut so we actually have something to protect us from Jack and Roger. Simone has been in the forest even though I recommend that he doesn't risk bumping into Jack, Maurice, or Roger. We need some food so I start walking into the forest but not deep in I just need to go get some fruits for us to eat. As I'm walking I see pigs blood around the area. I pick some bananas and mango but that's when I hear Jack. He was looking me dead in my eye. God damn I can't even try to get fruits without him bugging his little red head ass in my way. As we are staring at each other he holds up his spear like he is aiming it at me. I drop the fruits and try to run out the forest but now that I look around I see that I have been running the opposite direction fuck I'm deeper in the forest than I wanted to be. I hear a branch crack and see Roger looking at me he starts to yell to Jack and Maurice shit I'm going to die here! That's when I feel a hard bang on my head and everything goes black.

I start to wake up to whispers around me they are familiar voices but can't comprehend who they are as I have my eyes closed when I open them they all stare down out me.
Jack: "Your finally awake"
Roger: "Long enough"
Piggy: "what do you want"
Jack returns my attitude to hitting me in my face with the spear I start to bleed and cry at the same time I felt so weak for crying in front of them.
Maurice: "See you made it cry"
Jack: "Oh shut up"
They all look down and just watch me cry nothing to say out of their mouths. They chained my ankle so I just try to crawl somewhere better I saw a some what comfy looking leaf pile so I might as well go there. As I'm crawling there they think I'm trying to escape so they walk in front of me and just grin as seeing how pathetic I am. I want to cry but I already am so I just cry a little harder. They all get down and Jack ask me where I think I was going. I pointed to the leaves and a confused face dawns upon him as they all thought I was going to run.
Jack: "You wanted to go to the leaves"
Piggy: "Yeah it looks more comfy than where I am"
Jack: "Don't give me attitude or else I'll have to punish you like that nose of yours"
Roger: "Jack it's starting to get dark we better hunt now"
Jack: "Fine let's go"
Maurice: "I'll go get the little nuns"
Jack: "hmm what are we going to do with you now"
Jack: "Oh I have an idea you can be our little helper now"
Jack grabs me by the wrist and starts to walk into the forest where everyone is.
Jack: "Everyone we have a present to give you guys"
Sam: "Ooooo what did you get us chief"
Roger: "Show them Jack"
Jack pulls me out behind them like I'm some special trophy everyone stays silent. I look down at my feet feeling my tears run down and I can hear Jack.
Jack: "Everyone this is piggy and he will be our little pet for now meaning he will do anything we say when we say it right Piggy"
I feel my heart pounding at the embarrassment and more tears coming down my face. Jack bends down and whispers "Right Piggy~" his voice soft yet angry.
Piggy: "Yes" I say out loud so everyone heard me.
Jack: "Yes what"
Piggy: "Umm yes Chief"
I get slapped for saying the wrong thing but he never told me to call him anything this is no fair!
Piggy: "Yes captain"
Another hit I'm bleeding more than last time. Damn!
Piggy: "Yes owner"
He kicks me making me throw a little blood up the little nuns and other boys scared just watching me I see Roger is enjoying it though.
Piggy: "Y-yes Master" I close my eyes scared to get hit again
Jack: "Good boy you will call me that and after hunting we will go over rules ok"
Piggy: "Yes"
Jack glared at me not finishing my sentence.
Piggy: "Y-yes Master!" I finish
Jack: "Hunters let's go"

After the hunt they caught a pig and it squealed to death. They dropped all their spears down and I am forced to pick it all up. I then realize that I'm all alone in the forest should I leave or should I stay. I drop the spears and start to run unfortunately I run into Jack his face looks at me in anger and disgust. I start to tear up I go back and pick up the spears and place them on a home made rack. Jack tells the boys to cook it and tells me to meets him for my punishment in the tent. I walk in and he tells me to choose. 50 whips to my butt or 100 slaps on my butt. Without thinking I say 100 slaps cause being whipped is not my cup of tea. Jack grabs me and sits down on a chair he holds my hand while I stand up then he pushes me on his lap I'm laying on my stomach. He then pulls down my pants! Shit this is going to hurt but then he went deeper and pulled down my underwear!
Piggy: "What are you doing?!?"
Jack: "Your punishment now be quiet before I give you 200 slaps"
He raises his hands and I feel a sharp pain run through my body. He looks down at me and smirks. He does it faster and more quicker after that my bum was red and it hurt so much. It was dark and I wan starving he told me to stay in his tent until he said anything. I fell asleep quickly and all I was thinking is how Stuck I am in this I wonder if Jack or Simone have thought of anything yet I mean they have to I've been gone the whole day I literally missing. Stay safe please Ralph and Simone please I'm begging you get me out of this hell.

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