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Simones POV

I had have Crush on Maurice for my whole life. Even though I was supposed to hate him I just couldn't. I don't know why I liked him but I just did.

But then I realized that he doesn't like me back. He never talks to me or looks at me.

Well he doesn't look at me the way he looks at Piggy.

I wish he would look at me the way he looked at Piggy. But that was only a wish.

Ever since they had sex together they have been getting super close.

I kind of jealous of Piggy I mean everyone looks at him. I mean Roger looks at him that way and Ralph also Jack they all look at him.

No one ever looks at the batty small kid.

Honestly I wish I was Piggy...

Maurice would love me and everyone would want to kiss me.

I see the way Roger looks at him and I know that look I look at Maurice like that.

"Hey Roger" I yell.

"Hey si do you need anything" he questions.

"You like Piggy right" I see his face blush.

"Umm" he says embarrassed.

"Well I like Maurice and I'm sure your a where that they are getting close more than friends" I say.

"Yeah but he doesn't like me he like Maurice so there's nothing we can really do" Roger states giving up hope.

"Why don't we fake date to make them jealous" Roger's face lights up.

"Us do you think it will work" he ask.

"Well of course only if we do it right so what do you say lover" I laugh.

"Deal baby girl" we both break out laughing.

We return holding hands together. Everyone shocked to see the new couple in town.

Ralph and Jack looked shocked Maurice didn't really care but Piggy kind of looked I don't know but it wasn't happy.

We both moved into the same hut like a new couple moving in together.

I start to look at Maurice again and I start to cry at the thought he was in love with Piggy.

Roger spots me and covers my eyes blocking me from the truth.

After that Ralph came in and gave us a hug and saying that our "couple" was very cute.

Roger came out to play with Piggy but right there I kissed him right in front of Piggy.

Piggy looked hurt and I felt bad as I love Piggy and he's my best friend.

Piggy leaves and runs to Maurice and lands on his back.

I cry to bed and Roger try's to comfort me I think about Maurice and it hurts like hell.

It feels like 100 knives getting stabbed into my back.

I feel tingles when Rogers hot breath hits my neck as he soundly sleeps close to me.

The next day it's a thunder storm. Not bad but really rainy and lots of thunder.

I go to see if everyone's okay and everyone are.

I hear Roger crying in the hut.

"Roger are you hurt what's wrong" I ask.

"I don't like thunder it's too loud" he cries.

I hug him and cover his ears as I wipe his tears away.

I tell him that Piggy is okay and that we are all going to be okay.

The next day we get closer.

I kiss his more.

We say we "love" each other.

After everything it has only been a week and nothing has happened nothing at all.

Piggy gets hurt...

I run to him crying and screaming for help.

Blood everywhere.

Roger screaming to the top of his lungs.

Maurice praying.

The twins doing cpr.

Ralph faints.

Jack starts to punch someone who though.

Everything goes black.

I wake up to Piggy next to me on my bed.

I hear them yelling but I stay with Piggy until Jack tells me to come out.

I see a lil nun tied up to a pole and everyone else holding there spears around him.

"What is happening out here what happened" I asked.

"That fucking crazy lil nun tried to kill Piggy all because Piggy accidentally dropped his water" Roger explains.

"Kill someone over water" I'm shocked how cruel everyone has gone.

"Jack already beat the shot out of him and so did I but Maurice tried to kill him" Roger confessed.

"Great so everyone beat the shit out of him but me" I yell.

"Don't Simone I know how much you wanted to but no that's not how it works" His face filled with anger.

"So what everyone can do it but me this is no fucking fair Piggy is my Best friend from elementary" I clench my teeth.

"Ralph has agreed that we do a court order" Roger said.

"They picked 5 lil nuns to be jury and they will decide whether he dies or not" Yay.

"But there is a catch" Roger lowered his voice..?

"You are going to be the one defending him" What the fuck?!?

"Why me fuck no fuck no" I start to raise my voice.

"It's that or he gets set free you choose" Roger yells.

I think about and say yes.

I have to defend a killed with all my might I treat him like a case order like I'm actually getting paid for this.

I want to kill the guys but I have to defend him great.

Piggy wakes up and has a hard time walking so he has to crawl again.

We begin court and Piggy is on the ground playing with his stick dolls again.

"This lil nun is innocent because of the crime" I go on.

"Innocent he tried to kill someone over water" Roger yells back.

"Damn they have to go against each other even though they are dating talk about a bad day" I hear from Sam to Eric.

"Well has anyone thought about the fact that maybe Piggy did drop his water on purpose" I ask so stupid.

We go on till dark and then there is the final question do we kill him or kill him not.

"The jury has decided that this lil nun will be sentenced to.....................................................................................................................................

Death" holy shit.

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