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Ralph POV

Roger shows me to the stone castle and I see Jack outside his hut. He is only wearing his pants and looks sweaty. The lil nuns watch as things are about to reveal.

Jack: "What the hell are you doing with him Roger"
Ralph: "I know you lied and I came here to return what's mine where the hell is Piggy"
Sam: "Oh shit!"
Maurice: "Ralph you need to get the hell out of here"
Roger: "Jack just let him see Piggy it has been a few days man"
Jack: "Oh Im sorry did you forget who's Chief Roger"
Ralph: "All I want is to see Piggy Jack can you do that for me come on"
Eric: "Damn"
Maurice: "Ralph Piggy isn't in his best state of mind why don't you just fucking leave"
Ralph: "I want to fucking see him Jack"
Roger: "Can you please just show him Piggy Jack and then he'll leave"
Jack: "Fine but we're talking after this! PIGGY COME OUT NOW!"
I see Piggy come out naked?!? He has all these bruises on his face and body and his crying!
Jack: "Piggy look someone came to see you"
Ralph: "P-Piggy"
Eric: "What in the gay shit"
Sam: "Maurice I think it's time the lil nuns go back in"
Maurice: "Sam is right everyone go hunting"
Roger: "Piggy"
Piggy: "R-Ralph?!?"
Jack: "Piggy what did I say about talking"
Piggy: "S-S-Sorry Master"
Ralph: "MASTER! Piggy come here"
Jack: "Piggy if you move I will punish you again"
Sam: "Eric this is better than TV"
Eric: "Back at you brother"
Maurice: "Guys stop your going to overwhelm him"
Roger: "Piggy it's okay don't cry"
Ralph: "Why is he naked"
Jack: "Well Ralph Piggy is our Domestic slave and well he also does our Sexual needs"
Ralph: "What are you trying to say"
Jack: "Put the puzzle together Ralph me and him"
Simone: "Hey uh-h-hi umm"
Eric: "Damn this is really a reunion"
Simone: "Piggy is that you why are you changed up"
Ralph: "Wait are you saying you raped Piggy?!?"
Simone: "Wha-"
Maurice: "Stop yelling everyone"
Roger: "Your going to make him cry"
Ralph and Jack: "Piggy come to me now!"
I see Piggy standing in the middle Maurice is stressed out looking at everyone the twins are laughing and waiting for the next part Roger is just standing there in shock Simone has his jaw open from all the news and me and Jack are glaring at each other.
Piggy: "Uhmm I-I-uh-I"
Piggy starts to tremble and before we can do anything he is just standing there crying he runs to Roger and Roger just hugs him holding him like a baby and looking at us. Maurice starts yelling at us saying that he told us Piggy would get overwhelmed. Sam and Eric start to laugh Simone just stands there. Piggy still has the chain on his ankles and Is still locked Roger bends down to him like a small child and starts to rub the tears off his face. Piggy is still naked which makes everything so much more awkward. Jack starts to walk to Piggy and I start to too. Maurice looks at both of us and says we better get along or else he's going to tell Roger to take Piggy else where. We both go to Piggy and Roger doesn't want to back off so Jack orders Roger to move. When he still doesn't Maurice grabs him which makes Roger angry but is trying to keep his cool for some reason. Me and Jack both kneel down and Piggy is scared to look at us so he looks away.
Jack: "Piggy look at me now or Punishment time"
Ralph: "Way to calm him down"
Jack: "Shut the fuck up"
Ralph: "Piggy let's go inside and get you clothes"
We hold his hand and bring him inside to put on his clothes. When he puts them on Jack orders him to sit on the bed and he does. I have never seen Piggy be this Obedient. Piggy starts to shuffle with his feet and doesn't look up from us. Jack and I are just hovering over him and when he looks up we start a conversation.
Piggy: "Master am I going to get a punishment"
Jack: "No your not getting one"
Ralph: "Piggy does Master Jack hurt you"
Jack: "Oh my fucking god"
Ralph: "Tell me Piggy"
Piggy: "Umm"
Jack: "Answer him Piggy"
Piggy: "He hurts me sometimes when I'm bad"
Ralph: "Did he hurt you today"
Piggy: "Y-Yes"
Ralph: "what did he do to you"
Piggy: "Master h-hurt me when he umm shoved it I-In"
Jack: "Ahhahahahahhaha"
Ralph: "Im taking you home Piggy"
Jack: "No your not he's mine"
Ralph: "Piggy go outside now"

Piggy runs out and I see him hugging Simone. Me and Jack start yelling at each other and That's when Roger and Maurice come inside and we all just start arguing with each other. I tell them that I want to be with Piggy and I'm not leaving him. Jack says he won't give him up over his dead body. Roger says that I can't just take Piggy away from them. Maurice yells at all of us to shut up and for a few moments it's quiet. Maurice tells us a deal they can make. We both get to have Piggy. But the deal was I have to join their tribe and go hunting with them. I tell them no and they say I won't be able to see Piggy ever again. I think about and I only agree if I get to be called Master too. Jack bites his Tongue. I accept and start to put the ridiculice blood on my face. When I come out we tell Piggy the deal his eyes are in shock and we tell him he has 2 masters now. Simone agrees to join too and the fear on Piggy's face is so scared. Simone puts the blood on his face and Piggy starts to shake his head. His worst nightmare coming true. Out of everything this is one hell of a reunion!

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