Chapter 6

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"What the hell just happened?" Elise asked groggily.

"There was a naked girl in our house!" Talia blurted out. "She was in our bathroom!"

Elise's eyes shot up. "Was it that bitch Stacy from high school? I told her if she started coming after you again, I was going to kick her ass!"

Talia shook her head, still trying to catch her breath. "No, no, I don't know who she was! But I think she saved us! I need to get us to the hospital. I'm pretty sure we're suffering from carbon monoxide poisoning."

"You're not making any sense!" Elise complained. She was nauseous and her head was pounding, and the last thing she wanted to hear about right now was a random naked woman in their house.

"I know, I know, it makes no sense to me too, but let me go get our phones. We can't stay here." Talia took a deep breath, and darted into the house, quickly grabbing the two phones on the charger next to the bed as well as two pairs of sweatpants and tee shirts. She finally made it back to the deck, exhaling deeply and then took another breath. "Fuck! Sorry baby, but I got us some clothes."

Both girls slipped into the sweats and tee shirts, and then rested on the deck for a minute. "You're going to explain what happened in there, right?"

"Yeah, I am. But first let's get some oxygen in us. The 24 hour clinic isn't too far, and I can drive us there to get looked at. After that I'll tell you what I saw," Talia promised.

It wasn't fun walking barefoot through the cold grass, and then driving to the clinic, but it was a quick trip and not long before Talia explained their situation to the on call doctor. They quickly set them each up in beds so they could sit side by side and hand in hand with oxygen masks over their noses and they were finally able to relax while their headaches and nausea started to dissipate.

"I have to get the heating system looked at. There must be a leak or something. I have to check the damned carbon monoxide detector too. I saw one on the ceiling, but I never tested it. I'm so sorry preciosa, I almost killed us." Talia said with her head hung low and tears in her eyes. She wouldn't forgive herself any time soon for not doing a better inspection of the house.

"Hey, stop it. You got us out of there!" Elise said as she moved to kneel in front of Talia. "Don't beat yourself up, please abeille!

"I must have been hallucinating," Talia muttered. "Carbon monoxide can do that with the lack of oxygen. There couldn't really have been a naked lady in the mirror, right?"

"You only saw her in the mirror?" Elise confirmed.

"Yeah! I turned around to look at her, but she was gone!"

"What was she doing in the mirror?"

"She told me about what was happening. She made a C with one hand, and then an O. It took me a bit, and then I realized she meant carbon monoxide," Talia explained.

"Had you ever seen her before? Could it have been a dream?"

Talia shook her head slowly, trying to remember if she'd ever seen her before. "No. She looked to be around our age, but I don't remember her from school. But... But she touched me. And I felt it! There were sparks or something on my shoulder!"

"Sparks?" Elise asked softly, a little panicked. She'd felt sparks in her hands and shoulders when she was waking up too. Was that another carbon monoxide poisoning symptom? But there had been no naked woman near her! "I felt sparks when I woke up too. But I never saw anyone." She couldn't even freak out about the whole naked girl touching a naked Talia at this point. She was just glad that something had woken them up before it was too late!

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