Chapter 13

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Once Mira and Hana were on their way home, Talia and Elise went back to the bedroom, both excited to see what Amy and Paige had typed. Elise grabbed Amy's phone, and Talia had Paige's and they each lay back on the bed with the ghosts sitting at the foot.

"Can we read them now?" Elise asked softly.

Both girls nodded with no hesitation, and they unlocked the phones to see what was written. It didn't take long before both girls were in tears, motioning to Amy and Paige to come snuggle with them. They had never wished more to be able to hold them than right now.

Whenever Talia saw Paige, she'd always known that she was the more physical of the pair. Even when you could see through her, you could see the muscles that had made up her body. She would always think that she would have gotten along very well with her, that they would have been two kindred spirits. After reading her note, she now knew it for a fact.

Talia and Elise, I can't thank you enough for buying this little house and bringing light back into our existence. Amy has already told me that she is going to write to you about our life after we died that night five years ago, so I will tell you a bit about our life before then.

Damn, just saying that is amazing. Amy told me something. That may not mean too much to you, but it is a huge change for us. Communication was always something I probably took for granted. But for the last five years, not being able to talk or touch Amy has been brutal. But that will be Amy's story, and this will be mine.

Like you, we were together for seven years. Twelve now, I guess. We grew up in the same neighborhood near Albany, New Your. We both came from wealthy families, and we were even both the youngest of our siblings and had been friends since grade school. It always seemed inevitable to us that we would be together, though we knew early on that both sets of our parents would oppose it. We never cared.

We were bargaining chips for our families. Our older siblings had been trained to take over the family businesses. So, much like political matches of the past we were going to be bartered off to the best family match my parents could make. In that, they were right. Both of our families were powerful and conservative, though joining them in the way we did wasn't what they wanted. They wanted us to go to college, get a degree in something that would make us look good to a prospective husband and then make babies.

Fuck that.

I wanted Amy, and nothing less would ever be enough. The love you  both feel burning inside you for each other, and trust me I've seen it and felt it, is exactly what I felt for my girl. She was and is the light of my life. Even in death, she is my everything.

When we told our families our plan just before we went off to school for our senior year of college, we were told not to return to our houses, and then that we'd be disinherited if we continued down this sinful path. Our parents never even realized that they were doing us a favor. You say we can't go home for the holidays? Perfect. Now we don't have to sneak around while our families were home, instead we were together every single day and night. It was bliss.

That year was our first Thanksgiving meal we could celebrate together instead of with a bigoted family. That Christmas we hung mistletoe over our bed and made love under the twinkling lights of our Christmas tree. For New Years, we drove down to New York City and watched the ball drop, then kissed like lunatics, just hoping to be on television for our parents to see. For Valentine's Day, we had a picnic on the floor of our dorm and then made love for the rest of the night. I know that doesn't seem like much, but by then we were saving every penny we could for our escape house. This house.

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