Part 5: Chelsea comes over

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Dakota's POV:

A- Yeah, I think I would like that. I'll talk to you later. 

D- ttylI 

I immediately told the guys about it. "Sup Alex. I just got done texting Alexis and I invited her over to meet Chelsea and hang out this weekend." I told him. 

"Cool. Can't wait to see her. She's really nice and seems fun to hang out with, and fyi, it's obvious you like her." He said, taking me off guard. 'Was I really that obvious?' I thought to myself. 

"Yeah dude. It's obvious, we all see it. Except maybe Alexis." Tanner butt in. "Yeah I don't think she knows but I think she likes you too." Alex said. "Really?" I asked them. "Yeah dude. Now let's get the house ready for guests this weekend." Tanner said, going back to work. 

A few days later

We finally had the house ready for everyone to come over. A few minutes go by and there's a knock on the door. Alex goes to open it and I hear, "Chelsea!". I immediately get up and head to the door to greet my sister. "Hey, Chels!" I say. 

"Hey, Dakota! It's good to see you again." she says as she hugs me. "Hey Chelsea!" Tanner says as he shoves me away to give her a hug. "Hey! I was hugging her!" I yell playfully at him. "Well I wanted a hug so suck it up!" He yells back. We look at each other and laugh before letting Chelsea fully in the house. 

"So what's this I hear about another girl coming over?" Chelsea asks once we sit on the couch. "Oh, it's a girl Dakota met and took a liking to." Alex explained before we heard a knock at the front door. "Speak of the devil" Tanner mumbled before we all laugh and I go to open the door.

A/N: Sorry it's so short. I haven't had much motivation to write lately and my coauthor didn't help me with this chapter. Love you all 3000 <3

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 27, 2022 ⏰

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