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(Serenas POV)

My mother woke me up at 8 something today, talking about having a mother daughter sunday before I head back up to school. So after I took a shower and threw on some clothes, I went out with her to church. We used to do this all the time when I lived at home so I guess she's bringing back old memories. It was nice seeing everyone from church again but it was also embarrassing to have my mom brag about me to anyone that would listen.

"You should be proud of yourself Serena," She says to me as we ride around town in her tiny little smart car. Since it's just her and dad most of the time they decided to become more ecofriendly and by a compact car.

"I am proud but I'd appreciate it if you didn't paint me larger than life. Your friends are going to get tired of you babbling about me every second that you can." I say cautiously, I don't want to say anything that might her set her off into a whole speech.

My mother sucks her teeth and waves her hadns at me like I'm talking foolishly. "You're in a great college, your grades are wonderful, you don't have any kids and you know what you want to do with your life. I deserve to brag about my one daughter."

"I guess..." I don't say much more than that because truthfully, I don't know what I want to do with my life. I was going to school to become a nurse, but there's other careers I want to pursue too. Like photography, art classes, more creative stuff like that. But my mom on the other hand would definetly disapprove of a career in the liberal arts. She's more into science, math, lawyers, physicians. We defintely think differently.

"Where are we going anyway?" I ask my mom as she turns into the suburban part of town. I look at all the huge houses that are considered mansions. It amazes me how this small town could have such amazing houses.

"When you get your degree in nursing, you'll probably have enough money to buy an extravegant house like this Serena." She responds while completely ignoring my question. I roll my eyes and watch as the houses pass by.

We eventually pull up with a mint green building that says "Rachel's Relaxation Spa"

I make a face as my mother shuts off the engine and takes the key out the ignition. I look at her wide crinkled eyebrows. "The spa? This is what you have in mind for a mother daughter day?"

"Yeah, you always wanted to go so I thought it would be a way to bond." She responds, climbing out the car and shutting the door. I watch her as she steps onto the curb, takes in the building with a gleaming smile before stepping through the glass doors.

"Yeah, when I was like five..." I mumble as I climb out the car and follow her inside.

Just in case you forgot, I am not into all this girly girl stuff. The spa, manicures, pedicures...not what my idea of fun. I only wanted to go to the spa when I was five because that's what girls did on tv and now that I'm 21 and I have sense I'd rather jump out a window.

My mother tells the blonde at the desk that we're here for a facial, massage, manicure and pedicure. Each thing she requestes makes me die a little more inside. The blonde, who's name is Jessica, leads us to a room where we strip down and change into a silky pink robe. Kill me now... I watch as my mother casually begins to undress, I turn my back to her just to come eye to eye with an old lady, stripping down to her under garments. I decide to just face the locker and pray that something falls from the sky and kills me.

"Hurry up Rena," My mother rushes me while stuffing her stuff in a locker. With a reluctant sigh, I quickly strip down to my underwear and wrap my robe tightly around me. Please don't let anyone I know be here too. "This is going to be so fun." She sasy excitedly. I don't say anything and just follow her to the room to start off with out massages.

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