Hell Breaks Loose pt. 2

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(Jasmine's POV)

I wake up the next morning with a sick feeling, that nervous stomach ache you get just before public speaking or a big test. It's so bad that I feel nauseous just from the smell of Craig making waffles downstairs.

Before even brushing my teeth, I head towards Torion's room, ready to accuse him of vandalizing Tamara's house last night and then dipping out. It had to be him, the same letters on the bandana were scrawled all over the walls. I knew him and that stupid gang were bad news, I just don't know what they're after. What could they want with Chris? As far as I know, he's been in the clear since senior year.

I push open Torion's door, ready to scold him but, I find his room empty. Just like it was when we came home last night. I even got up at 2 in the morning to check if he had returned home but he didn't. That's how I know he had something to do with the vandalization last night. He must be plotting with the Black Labels once again.

I stare at the empty room, trying to put together the pieces scattered in my head. Torion had to have lead his gang to Chris's house but why. I thought they were friends, from what I can tell they clicked together easily.

I feel someone come up behind me, "Jasmine," their hand brushes against my shoulder.

I nearly jump out of my skin and whirl around to find Craig staring at me with his hand halfway touching my shoulder. "You good?"

I nod and try to calm my racing heart. "Yeah, I was just looking for Torion to ask him something. I guess I'll ask him when I see him later." I step out of Torion's room with one last glance around and close the door behind me. Craig stares at me unsurely and I give a reassuring smile.

"Alright then, we should probably head over to Chris's house." He says, cupping my face in his palms. "Do you want anything to eat before we go?"

I shake my head no. Last night we all volunteered to go over in the morning and help them clean up their house. The house is wrecked and it may be easier to clean up if Chris and Tamara have extra help. I'm also hoping to look around and find come clues as to why Chris and/or Tamara was targeted last night. I wonder if Autumn knows's anything. I'm going to have to ask her later.

After throwing on some clothes we don't mind ruining, we head over to Chris and Ts house with a quick stop at Home Depot. Craig and I are the first ones to get there while Jay, T and Chris are already hard at work. Cherish is sitting in her highchair playing with her toys.

"Wow, it looks even worse in the day light." I mutter, looking at the destroyed house.

Tamara shoots me a glare from her spot on the floor where she's cleaning up some of the glass. "Gee thanks, Jas."

Chris stands up and hands me a bucket with water and a brush in it. "Could you start over there and clean off all that writing all the wall? Whatever you can't get off paint over it." I nod as he hands Craig an identical bucket and points to the other wall.

I go over to my assigned wall and look at the chicken scratch type writing scrawled onto the wall. There are a whole bunch of slang terms and everywhere the letters BL were written like an ugly pattern on a shirt. It gives me chills just to think that these people have been inside Chris and Tamara's house, knowing how dangerous they are.

I'm happy that all they did was wreck the place instead of ambushing us. Knowing how merciless they were to Torion a long time ago I doubt they're any less ruthless than before.

Eventually everyone else shows up and we begin cleaning up the house from inside out. Autumn, Jacob, Serena and Ray clean up the garage while the rest of us clean up the inside. Elijah tries to help out by sweeping up the place but he's causing more dust to go into my nose than the trash.

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