Chapter 3

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Dedicated to cigaretteharry cause I just met her in a group chat and her fan fiction 'Bambi' is the

Going to edit this later so don't flip out if there are errors. Follow me on instagram extrastyles



That's all I feel right now. My eyes droop along with my shoulders as I make my way of the plane that was my home for 10 hours.

Yet another businessman bumps against me roughly and not bothering to excuse himself, not a surprise. My baggage strolls behind me occasionally hitting my ankles. As I make my way to the pick up area I stand on my tip toes to look at my surroundings and maybe find whoever is picking me up. Hopefully they will have one of those name signs, all I see is a group of alarmed people surrounding a raised  TV. I turn around bumping into a person and I spot a sign with my name is messy handwriting. I push my way through multiple crowds of people and finally get to have a look of who is holding the small, white sign. A young boy maybe the age of 14 with scruffy, dirty blonde hair stands awkwardly glancing around I guess searching for me, which there is no point in being that we've never met.

I make my way over to him, the wheels on my luggage squeaking a bit making his gaze shoot towards me, he grins widely and jogs the rest of the way towards me. I didn't notice how scrawny he was, does their mom even feed them? I must be over reacting, why is he here all by himself? Shouldn't someone be with him, who the hell sends a 14 year old all by them self to pick up someone?

"You're Luna right?" He reaches for my luggage and slips it from my grasp. I gladly let him take it cause I'm sick of carrying this shít but I keep half of my bags, being that it doesn't look like he could carry it all. He just stands in front of me, grinning widely like a child in a candy store.

"Uh, yeah." I avert my gaze to to the exit of the airport and start walking towards it. He tags along behind me struggling with half of my luggage he grabbed.

"My name's Isaac by the way" he makes his way beside me and I here a thump and look down at the source of the noise. Isaac grabs the bag shyly and reaches up and grabs my hand and starts to shake it like a coke bottle.

"I guessed that." We make our way out of the doors and navigate our way through the parking lot.

"What do you mean you 'guessed that'?"

"Well, there are only 2 boys in your family and  Harold is 19, you don't look 19."

His gaze shoots up and he furrows his eyebrows like I said something stupid. "Harold?" He pauses "you mean Harry?"

"So that's his name" I feel like an idiot. He continues to stare at me like I'm some unknown species. I take that as a cue to change the subject"Why are you all by yourself? Shouldn't someone be with you? Preferably your mom" We walk out of the parking lot and stop in front of a tall fence. I didn't realize we walked past the large parking lot and into an open area blocked off.

He lifts a broken part of the fence and slides under, pulling my luggage with him." Does he seriously think I will just follow him to the woods? "I'm all by myself all the time. My mum doesn't have time to drive us being that she's busy with work. anywhere she trusts me so....." his thin hand pulls the fence up once again, he looks up at me expectantly.What mom thinks work is more important than her children?

"Are you coming or not? I have to be home by 5 and it's already 9 a.m" he looks down at his wrist as if there is a watch there. I quickly shuffle under the old fence making sure I don't get too much dirt on me, when I finally get to the other side after almost getting pricked by thorns I slide my bags to me scrunching my nose at how much dirt I managed to get on them and just quickly brush it off.

I was about to question why he didn't park in the lot of the airport but I remember that he's only 14.

We walk down a long trail covered in even more thorns before we make it to the car It's grey paint withering off all over and beginning to rust, a few dents and scratches on the hood, at least the car isn't some shnazzy one that will cost thousands to repair if he wrecks it, hopefully he won't.

Sorry this is so short. I don't know where to end this chapter cause if I were to make it as long as I wanted to than it would be writing for days. after about ten chapters I hope it will actually get get to good shiz.

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Peace out my lovelies

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