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"O'Connor?" I looked at the seat behind me. Chandler isn't there... "O'Connor....?" Our teacher called out again. "I guess he wouldn't be coming...Parker?" I looked at her, taking my mind off of the offer. "Do you know why he isn't present?" "No.. haven't seen him anywhere." I answered. It's the 3rd period. He is never late by himself. I was about to text him when I remembered that my phone was dropped in the trash bin and was never given to me. I guess my mom needs to get it from the office.. But I wouldn't let her do that. I'll get a new phone soon. Dang. I need a job.

I saw one of our classmates texting her boyfriend. I quickly grabbed her phone and she gasped. I texted Chandler's number.

To : **********

where r u??!!! we have a lot to talk about.

- you know me

I handed back her cell and said thanks as she cursed at me. The clock was ticking so slow and I want to head off already.

The next period was bored as heck. I wrote down conditions on a paper. Conditions for Dmitri and his gang if I ever say yes later on. I think I don't have any other choice anyway. I gulped down whilst realizing that I'm about to lose a life and respawn as a criminal before graduation. I cursed Chandler's name out loud and the whole class looked at me. The knowing look on our teacher's face tells me to get out and head towards the principal's lair.

I went out of the room and skipped the whole day to travel to Arcadia. I need to talk to the guys. I want to ask about Chandler, I want to know why they are letting me do this.

I reached the same log cabin we were in after an hour of getting lost in the woods. I checked to see if the door was open, sure enough it was. Who lives in the middle of nowhere..?

"Hello?" I called out. Nobody replied to me. This house is fully furnished and it's cleaner than the last time I saw it. The telephone rang. I stopped to check if somebody would answer it. After 5 rings, I gave up and picked up the phone beside me. "Hello?" I asked. "Hello, Margaux. It's Matt." He gave me directions to the warehouse and I picked up a piece of paper for me to remember the directions. I head out the door and started to walk through the woods. They left me certain pieces of things for me to be guided towards the warehouse. I thanked them inside my head. As I approach the warehouse, I feel extra nauseous. I don't know what to do and to expect.

I reached for the door when somebody swung the door open. "You must be Margaux, come in" His voice sounds rather welcoming than the rest. I followed him through rooms and we both ended up in a very small, secluded room. I sat on the chair in front of Matt. "Okay... so you're here to say 'yes', I suppose?" He asked. I gulped and nodded. "I don't really have much of a choice" He smiled. "But first-" he looks at me as I start my sentence. "I need to know why Chandler is caught up in this, and why am I the one supposed to pay for his debts" Matt nodded then continued. "Kyle is part of our gang. He has been with us since 7th grade. He has been doing small robberies around town." 'Oh' I was stammered by the fact of knowing his other life. "There's a big plan that we are about to do. It's the one that you will be part of. We asked Kyle's father if he could help us financially to make this thing possible in exchange of freeing Kyle in this labyrinth. He says no. So we locked his father up and talked to Kyle to let him know what we have done and we wanted him to pay for the plan instead. Kyle says no. We can't argue with him that much because our boss likes Kyle. So we had an idea to take you and make you do the crime so that Kyle would come out from wherever he is now to aid us with our future needs" So they don't know where Chandler is, too and I'm finally calm to find out about why he's always gone at night. He is part of this hidden community. "Where is his dad?" I asked, out of curiosity. "He's the one you shot" 'Fuck!' I gasped and felt cold. Chandler is going to fucking kill me if he finds out. "Don't worry, he is still alive" Thank god.

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