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They taught us how to punch and defend ourselves by countering attacks. Are we really gonna use these shit in the future?

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They brought us back to the cells that we were in before. 'We're giving you a taste of what you'll have when this thing is executed. But for now, you'll go back to square one' I can still hear Sean's voice echoing through my brain. This place doesn't come with fans-or anything that could reproduce air. I took off my shirt because of the heat. I can't take it anymore. "Arghh!" I punched the wall. Yes I can endure it; But I'm about to be done with this shit. My head is pounding. What the actual heck.. I felt cold all of a sudden, then hot, then cold. Fuck... This is not a good time to be ill. I tried to sleep even if it's hard to. Because I know that this is for my own good.


"Good Job, Avery! You're learning already!" My teacher applaud me on skype. I'm feeling proud lf myself. But my mind doesn't want to focus on my goal right now... I kept on thinking about Harry. Is he okay down there? I feel like he'll get sick or something... They gave us rules to follow. One of them is not to go there until said so. My teacher dismissed our little class at around 11 pm. I stood up and tied my hair up and I tried to go out the door of our suite without anyone noticing me. Thank god the two of them are asleep.. I know that there's surveilance on this floor-I mean, it's everywhere in this building. I don't have anything to cover it up with, so I started thinking about my alibi while riding the elevator down to the basement.

I opened Harry's cell. I saw him there sitting on the corner with his head touching the wall beside him with his eyebrows furrowed. He's asleep. He's burning. I think he is about to have a fever. I went out as silently as I could then went to the first floor to fetch a mixing bowl filled with ice cold water, two towels and some medicine. The smaller one for his forehead and one for his body.

As I went into his cell, I saw him staring at me passively. "You should try to sleep again.." I whispered to him as I sat in front of him. He just looks at me. I picked up the small towel then I drenched it with cold water, squeezed it then I wiped it all over his face. His eyes just follows all my movements. "Take this-" I gave him a tablet. I applied a bit of pressure on a bruise on his face. It's hardly noticable from afar, but it's there. I expected him to flinch, but he doesn't. I dipped the towel back into the water. I was about to place it on his forehead but he suddenly grabbed both of my hands.

I stared at him. 'Why' written all over my face. I saw a muscle move on his face. He smiled. It's not too noticeable, but I think he's amused with me. I didn't expect the events that happened after that. He was hugging me tightly. He placed his head on my right shoulder. "thank you Margaux.." My heart felt the warmth of his voice. The last time I ever felt like this was way back when I was in 2nd grade or something. I remembered hugging my father because he bought me this doll that I really wanted. I hugged him back.

"C'mon.." I gestured him to come with me. "To where?" he asked while pulling the towel around his upper body. "I'm gonna bring you up. You can't stay here.." Plus, I'm also tired. "but aren't you gonna be punished for this..?" ... "I'll deal with that tomorrow.. C'mon. I'll help you up" We both left the cell. Staying quiet until we reached the fifth floor. We went into the suite that they were staying in yesterday. I brought one of his shirts with me. "I'm-Where am I going to stay..?" he questioned. I couldn't afford him being here alone. Something might happen to him. "You'll stay in my room." "we'll get caught" "Don't worry."

I told him to take a shower if he can. He did and we both smelled like vanilla and it's filling up the room. "You used my shower gel" I told him as I faced away from him. The bed moved, telling me that he's laying on the bed. "I smell like you now. Ugh yuck" He groaned. I threw a pillow at him. "..hey.." he silently shouted. I giggled a bit then faced him. He's smiling again. I like the Harry that smiles. "Sleep." I told him. "What if I don't want to?" he is taunting me. I took a pillow then placed it on the center. Making a barricade for the both of us. "I will not go near you, nor help you, nor talk to you, nor get you food, no-" "okay. okay. I will sleep now. I can't stay away from you" He said behind me. ..... Does he really mean that?..

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