Why did he lie?

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I smiled waving at the man he smiled back and followed me and dad too my room. All of. A sudden this lady came out of nowhere and started screaming at me "WHAT ARE YOU DOING IN MY HOUSE" I stepped back, obviously, I was scared half to death when this random lady that looks... dead?... What can I see ghosts. I don't care I just want to leave I started running the other way, looking back "dad run she is gonna get me" I screamed running down the staris and out the door, I tripped on the door frame falling behind me I looked up and i was so scared "dad" I said shaking I looked and my hands " no one was there" dad said worried. "Honey" said Lisa running up to me and hugging me " I don't want to go back in there the lad-" dad cut me off "I know ria" he said grabbing me by my arm and bringing me inside "the lady she is gone" I said dropping my arms slowly, Lisa was holding onto me with a very firm grip. "I am sorry I thought I saw something" I said embarrassed "it's ok but it's pretty late you should go to sleep, you were probably tired" dad said comforting me "yeah that was probably it" I said smiling but still on the edge " ok good night honey" said Lisa in her country accent, a couple hours pass and I was started to tuck myself in and then all I remember is waking up and everything was fine and the smell of bacon lingered around the house. I walked down stairs "hey darling" said Lisa. I smiled at her and walked past her, dad was holding coffee with his hair slicked back " hey ria when I get home from work how about we go to the fair" my dad said smiling " yeah that sounds good". I said with a mouth full of lucky charms cereal " here you go" Lisa says as she puts down a plate of bacon "all of this is for me?" I said surprised " oh yes it is, I can't have bacon I am trying to cut a few pounds" she said as if she was trying to shrug it off " oh" I said as I started devouring the bacon " I bet it's good, your dad said it was your favorite when you were little" she said watching the tv. I looked at her and just kept eating dad talks about me? What does he say? I thought as I laid back in my chair after at least 20 minutes of straight eating " your full?" She said with a big smile on her face " yeah and I gonna go hang out upstairs if that's ok with you" I said walking down the hall way " oh ok darling" she said watching the tv, soon enough dad got home. "Hey kids" he shouted as if he was talking to the both of us Lisa went up to him and gave him a big kiss, I just stood there. Well I mean I didn't want to talk to anyone and I didn't feel the need too " you ready" he said turning to me I nodded. We went to the fair and I was having  the best time EVER " hey let me get your picture" dad said while holding a huge polaroid camera " how old is that" said Lisa while posing for the picture "old enough" said dad laughing I smiled and posed.. click. 2 years pasted , I have a baby brother that is the cutest thing in the world after tucking him in and giving him a little kiss on his forehead I went to bed. But then I woke up in the middle of the night to the man poking at my feet while hiding his body as if it was under the bed  I yelled " YOU SCARED ME" my breath was heavy " shhhh" he said putting his finger to his mouth " you know what I heard" he said sitting on my bed " what"  I said annoyed "your dad is not actually your dad, I mean you just believe that some random stranger that kind of looks like the guy you knew when you were ten, is your dad". He said looking at me with dead eyes  I said nothing. "Kill him" he said " what, who" I said shocked he would even ask that " the baby, the imposter is raising his child and making you take care of it? He never took care of you until your mom died and that's sad that the baby gets his love for free while your mom had to die just for him to know your alive" he said proving a point before I could say anything he replied " when have I ever disappointed you, your father on the other hand". Before he could say anything else I got out of bed and rushed down staris only to see the lady I saw the night I moved in. "Here" she said handing me a hammer i looked her into her dark eyes and took the hammer I looked over the baby's crib. It's so innocent as would never hurt a fly I thought, so that's when I started smashing its  head in over and over and over again. Blood.. everywhere, the man looked over the crib smiling "looks.. messy" he said as he started laughing. And then dad walked in half awake and looked at me like he saw a ghost and then grabbed the hammer from my hands and started crying "WHAT DID YOU DO" he screamed looking at the bloody crib Lisa walked in " what's wro-" and then broke down crying. Why are they crying?.. Over a baby? My dad grabbed me by the arm as Lisa called the police " I knew you were like her" he said locking me with him into the room, I called for the man, but he was gone. The police showed up and put me in handcuffs I tried explaining that the man in the house was not my real dad and that the man told me to do it but nobody listened.

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⏰ Last updated: May 29, 2022 ⏰

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