|24| The no running back

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"Where are we?" I ask when we finally get out of the car

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"Where are we?" I ask when we finally get out of the car.

"My house. One of them at least." He walks up to an elevator and we get inside.

It stops on the last floor and the doors open to a beautiful spacious penthouse. It's exactly as I would have imagined it to be. High ceilings and not many walls, all painted in white or grey. The decoration could be almost considered minimalistic if it wasn't for the many books hanging around every possible surface. My eyes wander taking every little detail in.

"Why am I here?" I turn to him as soon as I finish looking around.

For just a few seconds I swear I see something in his eyes that he doesn't really want to show. Something that tells me this is dangerous territory. And honestly, I know I should run but staying to figure out what that looks means is way more interesting.

"What did you tell to the FBI?" He leaves behind all the misleading thoughts and goes straight to the point, moving in my direction.

"How do you know that?" I step away from him.

Should have known he will get the hint one way or another. If the FBI is looking for him that means he is way more important than I initially thought. So he either got the information from the inside or I'm being followed. I decide on the last one taking he knew exactly where to find me.

"I think you already have the answer to that question." He says as he keeps walking.

"You have people on me. Why?" This time I'm the one walking toward him.

"Just to make sure." He replies vaguely.

"No. You have a reason for everything. Why do you have men on me, Matteo?" I keep my ground and he looks down at the floor for a second. "Am I in danger?"

There's always a reason to act up on something, especially for someone like him.

"It's just to make sure Danielle I thought tha-" He tries to explain but I interrupt him.

"I'm asking you if I'm in danger. Answer the question." I repeat elevating my voice.

I can tell he knows that I'm way more than upset and also that he understands why. I'm guessing that's the reason he doesn't snap at my harsh words and tries to reason with me. But I'm not having it, not anymore.

"Danielle please I- "

"Answer the question!" I shout.

Harsh but necessary. He can't keep lying to me, protecting me as if I were a kid. He got me inside this mess and I deserve answers.

"I don't know okay! I don't fucking know!" He shouts back.

His arms move up in the air trying to let out the uncertainty he is feeling.

"Perfect, that's amazing." I turn around bringing my hands to my head and walk to the window.

"You think I don't haunt myself for this? The fact of not knowing kills me Danielle." I feel him getting closer.

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