Chapter 1 "Idol"

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     "If you ask me about that moment

Bright sunshine was falling down
If you ask me about that feeling

Naturally, it was a one-shot in my eyes "                 

Shin Kohana was going on her third year as a Big Hit trainee, and despite her obvious talent, she had a reputation that followed her everywhere. It wasn't her skills that held her back, but her attitude. Kohana had never been a team player—she preferred to do things her own way, refusing to take criticism or rely on others. Every time she got close to debuting, her independent streak caused problems. But it didn't bother her. She had never trusted anyone enough to depend on them, and that wasn't about to change.

Kohana wasn't even interested in being an idol. All she wanted was to dance. The idea of becoming a choreographer, shaping routines from behind the scenes, was far more appealing. Yet here she was, still a trainee, still part of the group known as Fioratre, even though her isolation made her the odd one out. People whispered about the difficult British trainee, and even the idols in the company kept their distance.

As Kohana sat in the corner of the dance studio, stretching quietly, a familiar voice interrupted her thoughts. Eun-ji, her group's leader, dropped down beside her with a grin on her face.

"I probably shouldn't be telling you this, but you'll hear it soon anyway," Eun-ji began.

Kohana sighed, already irritated. "What do you want, Eun-ji?"

"You know how we're supposed to debut in a few months?" Eun-ji said, her voice laced with pride. "Well, you won't be debuting with us. They're cutting Fioratre from four members down to three. Guess who's not making the cut?"

Kohana had been expecting something like this. She'd lasted longer in Fioratre than she had in other groups, but that didn't change the fact that she had never fit in. Her best friend, Airi, had done her best to cover for her, but it could only go so far.

Airi had been with her through everything, from the day Kohana was sent to Tokyo for school after the infamous fight with her mother. That was when she met Airi, a fierce rapper with a quiet demeanor and the only person who understood Kohana's drive. Kohana respected Airi deeply, but Eun-ji? That was another story entirely. The two clashed constantly, and Eun-ji had been trying to get her kicked out of the group since day one.

"Leave me alone, Eun-ji. Don't you have anyone else to bother?" Kohana snapped.

"Really?" Eun-ji scoffed. "Says the freak who's been kicked out of three groups already. You're so bad that they don't even think you're good enough to go solo."

Kohana didn't hesitate to snap back. "Or maybe I'm the only one with enough talent to carry you. You can't even keep up with my choreo."

Eun-ji's eyes flashed with anger, and she raised her hand to slap Kohana, but Airi caught her wrist just in time. "Please, unnie, stop," Airi said, her voice shaking as she stepped between them.

"Maybe if she stopped dragging Fioratre down, I wouldn't have to!" Eun-ji yelled, turning her anger on Airi. "She's the reason we keep delaying our debut!"

"Don't you dare talk to Airi like that," Kohana growled, stepping forward.

Before things could escalate further, Freya, the oldest and most level-headed member of the group, intervened. With her graceful composure and soothing voice, Freya was the one person everyone listened to.

"Enough!" Freya commanded, standing between the three of them. "Eun-ji, as the leader of Fioratre, you need to control yourself. And Kohana, we're supposed to be a team. It's been a year. You need to give us a chance—we're a family now."

Eun-ji and Kohana both looked away, embarrassed. "Sorry, Freya unnie," they muttered in unison.

"The other trainees are warming up for practice," Airi said nervously, trying to diffuse the tension.

Practice resumed as usual in the crowded studio, where dancers from different teams trained together, though the rivalry between them kept interactions to a minimum. After their session ended and the girls of Fioratre were packing up, a staff member approached them.

"All four of you need to see Bang PD-nim. He has something important to discuss with you."

The girls nodded, but as they walked toward his office, Eun-ji smirked at Kohana. "Bet this is when they officially cut you out."

"Eun-ji, enough," Freya warned, and Eun-ji fell silent.

Kohana remained quiet, but deep down, she suspected Eun-ji might be right. She had never been good at teamwork, and this meeting felt like it might be the end.

The four of them waited outside the office, and Airi clung to Kohana's hand, her worry palpable. She prayed that Kohana wouldn't be kicked out. The two had been through too much together, and Airi had always hoped that they would debut side by side.

Finally, Bang PD called them in.

"Sit down, girls," he said as they entered. "Do you know why I called you here today?"

"No, sir," Freya responded.

"Are we in trouble?" Airi asked nervously.

Kohana remained silent, too used to being lectured in this office to feel any surprise.

Bang PD leaned forward. "First, I want to tell you that Fioratre is one of the most talented trainee groups we have. However, your teamwork is a serious issue." His eyes landed on Kohana and Eun-ji. "I've heard rumors that we're planning to kick Shin Kohana out of the group and debut with just three members. That rumor is false."

Kohana's eyes widened in shock. Airi's grip on her hand tightened, and she smiled in relief, while Freya and Eun-ji remained expressionless.

"But," Bang PD continued, "you are not out of the woods yet. You four have been warned repeatedly about your lack of cooperation. If this continues, Fioratre will not debut at all, and we'll terminate your contracts. You either make this work as a team, or it's over."

Silence filled the room.

"To give you a final chance, you will be participating in a survival program alongside BTS. You'll have to prove that you can work together as a group. If you can make it to the finals, only then will you debut and begin working on your first album."

Eun-ji looked ready to protest, but Bang PD cut her off. "As the leader of Fioratre, it's your responsibility to ensure this group functions as a team. If this program fails, you share the blame."

"Yes, sir," Eun-ji muttered.

Bang PD turned to Freya. "Any questions?"

Freya nodded. "What does participating in this survival program involve?"

"You'll be performing a song we've chosen for you, but you'll need to develop it and make it your own. You'll work with a choreographer and record a music video, while also performing in smaller venues with other idols. This isn't just about music—it's about teamwork and survival."

Airi raised her hand. "Is the song already produced?"

"It's written, but you'll work with our producer Kim Hye-Jin to make it your own. And starting Monday, you'll be sharing a practice space with BTS. Maybe you'll learn a thing or two about teamwork from them. You're dismissed."

As they left the office, Kohana froze as the realization hit her: they would be working directly with BTS.

"Damn it," she muttered. This wasn't how it was supposed to happen. She wasn't ready for Jung Hoseok to see her like this—not yet.

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