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Craig's Pov.
I have to go out shopping but I don't want to leave Kenny alone I kinda have to though so I got dressed and went to make breakfast after I was done I went back downstairs and put the food on a bedside table in the room then I locked the door and left to go get everything I needed from the store

Kenny's Pov.
I woke up there was clothes on the side table and food as well with a note ' I need to go to the store I'll be back in about 2 hours so don't worry also if you try to escape you will be punished ' this is my only chance so I have to try I looked around for any way to escape and there was a little window above the bed so I climbed up the side trying to reach the window I made it I was trying to get out the window when I heard the lock on the door click

No! he's home I thought as I had just managed to get out of the window I quickly got up and started running as fast as I could it hurt really bad to run sense my leg was still healing from the time he broke it then I noticed that I was in the woods the place I thought I would not be at then I heard him screaming my name "Kenny Come back and your punishment won't be as bad!~"

I couldn't do it  I started walking towards where I heard his voice  I heard him stop walking as I kept going towards him praying that he would let this go I don't know where in the forest this is but I'm kinda scared and I don't want to be alone "Craig where are you?" I was shaking I don't wanna be alone  "over here now." Craig! As long as I'm not alone I'll be happy I can't help it I ran towards him even though it hurt then I saw him he grabbed me and carried me back to the house I was scared shaking even once we got there he threw me in the room alone the I noticed that he had put a camera in the room I didn't notice it before but I assumed it was already there he said "you have to stay in here till you learn your lesson"

Tell me if you have any suggestions or questions on this story and tell me if I should continue this
Yours truly

Kenny X Craig South Park Where stories live. Discover now