Chapter 30

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Baek is holding up his gun like a dumbass when there is literally 3 people in the room against him and i laugh

"Baek you are not smart at all what do you think you are going to do you are out numbered and even if it was just me and you it wouldnt help id kill you" i say

"i'm defending japan i wont let you or that pussy of a son you are raising ruin it in the future" he yells

"Baek thats where you fail you let japan down and ruined it and as for my son like you said he will be their future a real leader they need" i say

hes about to say something and honestly im done listening so i move and kick the gun out of his hands and he doesn't expect it and he tries to fight but i turn around kick him to the face and down he goes

"pack him up and take him to the dungeon" i command and the guards rally up to put him in the bus i look around and i dont see my wife

"where is my wife?" i yell nervous and very angry

"right here baby dont worry just thought id catch up and get the trash" she says and throw Aki to the floor with him holding onto his knee and blood streaming down his face

i snap my fingers for them to take him and face my wife with a serious face

"what! why do you look upset?" she ask

"i hate when you leave my side and i dont know where you are especially now bébé" i say

"Finn i just wanted to have some fun and ill keep telling you maybe if youd stop knocking me up you wouldnt worry so much" she says rolling her eyes

"ill always worry and i'm not sure bebe its not like im always trying to it just happens" he smirks

"love please dont lie like that you know what i mean" i say

"lets go tell these suckers how they failed before we end their lives" I say

We make our way back to the basement and see all the traitors tied to up and brings nothing but joy and smiles to my face seeing people who wanted to destroy my family going to pay with their lives

"How could you let this happen you said you had it all under control!" Aki yells

"I did I..... They tricked me" he grunts

"No Baek you are just poor at being a Don and a man at that how you could ever think you could get away with taking my son is mind boggling to me" I say laughing

"He's not your son you we're never with his mother" Aki says

"You know I started to feel bad for you because you were just pathetic and caught up in his lies but then you keep saying that line now listen clearly Tommy is my son and my wife is his mother and will always be while I do respect Sayo because she one of the rare good people that came from your family she is Tommy mom but that doesn't mean Tommy is not mine or my wife's son got it" I say

"When he grows up you'll show your true colors he won't be apart of your own that you and your wife made together" Baek laughs

"Sir you are one sick fuck but that is not how our family works or what family means biological or not they are all my children and will be raised the same when you take the job of being a parent it's not whether you birth them or not but in your case whether they are biologically yours or not you are terrible at it and you know what I fucking hate you don't ever think you can touch my family" elise says and the punches him straight in the face until his nose breaks

"Fucking bitch my nose!" Baek yells with his right eye swollen shut

"Did you just call my Wife a bitch no one fucks with her" my ears are ringing and fist my hand and punch him in the left eye until it's shut and he pipes down kind of losing consciousness

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