Chapter 18

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The next day we wake up exhausted Tommy birthday was good but very draining I look over and Elise is still sleeping until she starts to stir and barely opens her eyes

"Hey bébé how'd you sleep" I ask her caressing her skin

"Good but man I slept alot but I'm still tired I could definitely continue sleeping no lie" she says cuddling her pillow

"Haha yeah last night was long especially since we had to finish things before the party started" I say

"Yeah and let's not forget the wedding is in 3 days" she says

"Yeah you have errands to run today bébé you're lucky they let you sleep this long" I say

"Boo!! I just wanna stay here I don't even think I could process getting out of bed" she says pouting

"As amazing that sounds bébé no can do you if I gotta do stuff for this wedding so does your sexy ass" I say giving her a kiss

Ughh I love them but man my phone starts ringing and it's Lilo so I put it on speaker

"Hello" Finn says

"Good morning Finn I hope I caught you after you and my sister stopped screwing but it's time for her to get her ass over here we have errands to run" Lilo says laughing

"Girl I'm not always screwing my husband and I'll be there soon now shut up you're so annoying" I say stealing Finn's phone

"I'm gonna go shower what are you doing today" I ask him

"I'll take care of the boys and we have a fitting for the wedding today" he tells me

"Oh okay" the door opens and in walks ghost and we both think he's gonna get on bed or just pass around but he's goes up to élise and lays on her feet

*You know I'll never understand how we have a wolf as a pet and living so domestic in our house" I say looking at Finn

"Ghost is family and won't hurt no one weird that he's just lying there" Finn says

"Well how about you call him over because still to close for comfort for me" I say

"Okay bébé.... Ghost buddy come here" he looks at me nuzzle into élise hand and walks over slowly
And climbs the bed

 Ghost buddy come here" he looks at me nuzzle into élise hand and walks over slowly And climbs the bed

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"Hey buddy is something wrong?" I ask him

He looks and then lies on the bed and closes his eyes I pet him and leave him while i go into the bathroom to get ready and I walk in élise is driving her body

"Sexiest woman" I say and wink at her

"Thanks baby you are quite delicious too" she says kisses my lips and bites them

"Fuck bébé don't start something I won't be able to control the beast" I tease and slap her naked ass

"I think I gave you enough pussy last night mister after being dead tired because you were naughty" I say to him

"Never enough bébé you have your man hooked" he says and I laugh

We finish getting ready for the day and head over to get the day started

When we get to the parents everyone is up and walking around

"Well hello sleepy heads thanks for finally getting here" Louisa says

"MA this is my last few days here and with my wife just soaking it up" Finn says

"Its okay bro enjoy I get it but let's get the boys and go to fitting" Hero says

"Elise let's go! So many final touches to do" Lilo and Leila says

We head out and it's crazy to think that the twins are getting married

"I can't believe In 2 days you both will be married" I say

"Yeah time has flown and were both going to be mom's that's what's most shocking to me" Lilo says

"Well you're definitely gonna be great moms no questions asked and will have the wedding of your dreams it's shocker you both stopped bickering to finally finish planning" I said

"Haha funny we did come along way but it's because Leila kept saying no to my cute ideas" Lilo say

"Yeah because they weren't cute but w.e it's finally done...
How do you feel about hubby going back to Japan alone until hero gets off honey moon you know we don't have to go says" Leila says

"I hate it but yes you do y'all deserve a, honey moon Finn will be fine and if i have to I'll go with him" I say

"Now you know your man will never allow you too that's like putting you in danger so hell die before that happens" Leila says

"Well then Finn doesn't have to know my plans if I get angry and show up he'll get over it I'm not sit back and take it Donna ill bring hell and he knows that" I say

We get out of the car and look at the venue to make sure everything is in tact and then drive to to pick up the dresses and finally go home after hours of being out damn a girl is tired we get home right on time because as everyone is putting this away and having little chats here and there Jensen spots me

"Hey Jensen did you do what I asked you? I question

"Elise are you sure you want me to because I know you and if you see something you'll go ballistic" he says

"Jensen... Finn is not going back to Japan for that banquet and I can't see what happening so it'll be streaming over there in Japan just make sure I can watch it from here... That so simple and easy for you too do" I explain to him

"Its not the matter of difficulty élise he'll tell you if anything happens why get angry all the way from over here" he ask

Jensen we both know if he tells me it'll be week after if he even because he wants to keep me far away from there and I need my own insight on them and who needs to be eliminated and that banquet will tell me" I say to him

"So you promise if I do this you're not gonna fly to Japan and murder every damn mafia members if you see something you don't like" he ask

"I won't go ballistic but you damn sure I will be over there by morning and there is no promise that I won't kill some people just don't make me say as your Donna I order you too just go do it as favor tomorrow is your wedding day and I want you to enjoy that and your honeymoon don't worry" I say

"Fine it'll be done and ready by tonight" and he gets up to his office to get stuff done

"Oh and not a word to anyone one Jensen it's between us okay" I whisper

"Got it sis" he says

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