The Idea

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Katelynn's POV

"Good morning, Lauren," I greeted as I walked to the locker room. She didn't say anything. I wonder why she's acting that way. I continued walking until I reached the room that I've been looking for. I put my bag and took out my camera. Suddenly I heard footsteps. "Hey," someone greeted me cheerfully. "Hi," I smiled back at that guy which was obviously Adrien. "How's last night?" he asked while settling a few things from his bag. "The dinner or what?" I asked. "Everything," he lifted both of his big shoulders. "Um..." I thought for a fee seconds and made him wait. "The place was great, I mean it's seriously good! The foods were also delicious." I said remembering everything we did last night - not much actually. We just ate like the other normal couples. Wait did i just say couples? Ugh fine. I have to admit, we looked like couples and a few people even stared at us like we did something wrong. I think it's because his reputation as a player (even though I not yet found out about the player thingy)

He giggled after I gave my answer. "We should do it again sometimes," he said with his sassy deep voice. "Why not?" I said unwittingly. I don't even know what I said!
I turned around after that small conversation and continue busying with my camera and tripod. "Is it that hard?" he suddenly peeped from my back. "Huh? What do you mean?" I said. "You know, to be a professional photographer like you," he continued with a shy smile. Well he's a bad admirer. "Not really, all you need are patience and passion," I copied exactly what my teacher taught me. He nodded a few times, signing that he got it even though I'm not sure. "How about you? Is it tough to become a supermodel?" i asked. "The easiest and coolest thing i had in my life." he said coolly as usual. I chocked my drink. I quickly covered my mouth before it spills. "You're so confident," I said, being honest. "As always," he winked. What a flirty wink! Or else that's what i thought that time.

"I think i have to rush to the make up room," he said, ending our small chat. "Sure," i nodded lightly. "See you!" he put his hi-five in the air. I smiled unbelievably at that guy. I just met a guy.

Today's session went well, everything was already done at three so i could get home early. Tomorrow is Sunday, a space to take a breathe. I'm planning for another city tour with Julian and Natasha but I haven't asked them yet so just see.

"Miss Kate?" suddenly someone called my name from my back. "Um, yes?" I tilted my head to see that guy clearer. "Miranda said she wants to talk to you in her office," he said seriously. First i was guessing in my mind what made him so serious like that. Is it because of my thing or just his face. Maybe it's just his face. Gee.

"Katy," Mira said with a big smile. "Yes?" I replied. "I was just wondering if you want to join me," she paused "to a show of my friend's, Audrey," I gasped but I tried my best to my excitement because it was just not cool to show it in front a big designer like Mira. "You-you mean, the Audrey Alaina?" I asked. She nodded. "As you know, she's also into the photography world so maybe you can talk about some stuffs with her," I nodded happily. "and she's going to show a few of her collections, just count this as an educational trip," she laughed with her French accent. "Wow, sure, thank you, it would be my pleasure," I said with a big grin. "Okay, now you may left and prepare your stuffs. We're leaving on eight," she nodded to the clock. "Once again thank you so much," I said thanking her again.

"What did she say to-"
"Oh my God!" I rubbed my chest as I saw the big figure after I shut Mira's office's door.
"You scare me!" I screamed in a whispery voice.
"Sorry, I was just curious," Adrien said.
My shocked face turned into a smile.

"She invited me to join her to Audrey Alaina's runaway!" I squealed happily with a big grin. I couldn't hold my mouth to not to smile. "Oh," he nodded with a slight smile. "Aren't you happy for me?" I asked jokingly. "Do i really have to?" he said curtly and left. What on earth is going on?!

Adrien's POV

"You're right," I said as I patted Lauren's shoulder and took a sit by her side. "Don't touch me," she dodged. "She used me," I hit my lap, without caring about anything else, I mean her reaction. "Told you," she finally opened her mouth to respond me. "Ugh," I slapped my own face. "Why I even acted nice to her?" I regretted. I can't believe Mira asked her to join her to the fashion show instead of me. I mean, I've known Alaina better and I'm a lot more experienced than her! How is it fair enough?

"Stop complaining," Lauren said in a serious tone. "huh?" I didn't get her point. "Oh Adrien! You are Paris' number one model! Is it that hard to just pull off a girl?" she said, madly. I needed to take a few mins to think about what she's talking about. As I was thinking, Lauren kept on making weird faces so I pat her back-no more like hit her back to stop her from intimidating me with her annoying face. "Slow down missy," I said.

"don't freaking touch me okay!" she yelled suddenly. "Hey what has gotten into you? I'm so confused right now can't you stop acting very weirdly??"

Lauren's POV


Calm down Lauren, take a deep fresh breathe. I have to think clearly instead of huffing and puffing around. I have to use this as a chance to put the freaking bitch out of Paris.

"nothing. you know, girls period," I said trying to think of the most normal idea. "Where were we?" I smiled pretending everything is TOTALLY FINE. "You with your period?" he said innocently. "UGH! I mean our discussion idiot," I rolled my eyes like how I like to do it.

"OH yes. I was complaining about Kate because Mira invited her to Alaina's fashion show," he said.

"You know what, I have an idea," I said with a bright smile along with the bright idea in my mind. "I think you have to play a game with her," I said.

"What do you-"
"Shh! Don't cut me,"
"You have to pretend that you like her and make her fell in love with you and then you can dump her and voila, she's doomed," I said explaining my evil idea.

Adrien's POV

So here's the idea: make Katelynn fall in love with me, leave, break her to pieces and so she'll leave Paris forever!

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 25, 2018 ⏰

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